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Gunwild: Hark!

Psu: I'm tempted to go into a diatribe with this commentary about how hard it is finding news or updates relevant to you these days, despite how every website says they've made the algorithm to suit your needs. Sometimes it might take a whole little adventurer to go out and hunt for the actual relevant information for your search.

Gunwild: Also I'm not good at writing news copy. Never have been suited to journalism. But in this case it was easy because I just had to provide the reader with the experience of seeing a news story where they know a bit more than the reporter and so everything can be supposition. The comments actually talked out how much of the story was just guesswork, which is nice to see. Always check to find out how well-cooked your news is.

Psu: I'd say we could've gone cheaper and just used the standard issue movie template for fake news paper articles. You wouldn't happen to have that on hand would you? If you're pretty sure no one in the audience is gonna read this thing and you just need to fill up space with stuff that looks like words?

Gunwild: Lorem ipsum, the Latin text that looks readable enough? I mean we could have, but people actually DID read it, and that makes me happy. Plus not having Wrenn know the real story yet was important to me.

Psu: It was important to me that she wears glasses, more that it's the universal image of "let me look at this and read it more carefully" than it is a character trait. But it is a kind of cute character trait. Hey, you think we can fill the rest of this commentary with Lorem Ipsum and see how many of our readers actually notice?

Gunwild: Probably but I don't wanna, they're paying customers...

Psu: This is true. They deserve a better class of commentary. Like how we can do a diatribe about the current state of social media and search engine optimization challenges in today's modern internet climate.

Gunwild: I just want a little knight to tell me when important stuff happens so I don't have to watch feeds anymore.

Psu: Can you imagine the little knight climbing through your followed social media accounts trying to find the actual treasures you want?

Psu: Well he wouldn't be a heroic little guy very long if he had to live on social media...

Gunwild: He'd be braver than I am.



Miy Eterp

Interesting 🤔


I like the faux medieval language that little hologram agent uses