Page Commentary No. 9 (Patreon)
Gunwild: This one!
Gunwild: As I recall, I originally wrote this as her straddling the gun in a more ecchi way.
Psu: Heh, I think there's still an original sketch where it was clearly more "Mechanical Bull" in inspiration. But I think a couple of things made more sense at the time with what direction I wanted her to be on the gun when I was drawing the actual page. Or maybe it was something about how her hands are the magnetized thing right now...
Gunwild: My contribution to this page, I guess, is that I have the gunport labeled with a Greek letter Ψ, because as I think I've mentioned, the Regency uses Greek letters to denote things instead of Roman ones or the NATO phonetic alphabet.
Gunwild: So it's "Gamma" instead of "Charlie" and "Eta" instead of "Golf."
Psu: I really don't use hand drawn sound effects well enough but that THOOOM looks okay.
Psu: Along with more FPOONs and VOOSHs...
Psu: fpoonnn
Psu: zzzz
Gunwild: I wonder if Theira has ever tried to shoulder-mount this gun. You know, in case it's needed on the go.
Psu: It really is a fun page though, I think it was one of the first ones I had a really clear picture of how it would be cute to look at when drawn. I think it wasn't as cute though when it came out. Too much gun. Not enough uhh... fun?
Psu: It's still pretty fun though.