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Gunwild: This seemed appropriate after this month's pinup went up. Recognize HER, old chum?

Psu: I totally and completely forgot about that drawing until you showed it to me again just now. I didn't even remember that Theira was ever NOT an alien.

Gunwild: Well, this was a really good idea, but at the time we decided that an alium character would have more possibilities and add more variety to Maddy's crew.

Psu: Yeah, I think we wanted to get across right away that the Regency was a lot of different species with common interests. Maddy is Xerran but that's pretty close to human already, so I think going with an alien was the right call. BUT, we both were planning how to make this alien ALSO cute.

Gunwild: I think she's still cute, but does a little less "fading into the background" than this design might suggest the person likes to do. Probably tough when you're a tall bug-person.

Psu: Ya know, it wouldn't be impossible to recycle this particular drawing. I think because her face is so expressive and the way she keeps her hair and posture just add to that, it feels like you can get a good sense of who this person is. But I dunno, do you think she should be a Regency character?

Gunwild: Honestly? I think that in some years, assuming she remains in close proximity to humans, this COULD be Theira.

Psu: You make a convincing argument, Fry.

Edit: Now free for everybody!



Jack Newbill

And, I mean, you never know when you'll suddenly have a use for a previously discarded design.

Anthony Docimo

love the look on her face - and the toothpick in her mouth is a great touch. kudos!