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Psu: This is really a perfect example of the kind of paneling I don't do anymore. And it's not because I don't like it, but because the needs of each story have changed a lot. If you were going to do a story where a girl is flying through Zero G and latching onto a giant space ship, you've gonna get different ways to show that than a girl on a motorcycle.

Gunwild: One thing people might not know (or care about) is that in scripts, I usually give a number of panels and the images I think need to be there, but I rarely craft panel sizes and shapes. Psu would probably ignore me anyway to serve the art better, which is what I want.

Psu: I actually haven't looked at this old script, I bet it's quite different than what you're doing now. (Also I just spotted a nasty line tangent in Panel 3 leading into the final panel)

Gunwild: Well, people will be able to read the page script on this post, I've been adding them in after our commentary.

Psu: Oh really. Neato. I was just wondering if you would say you'd been doing something different. Cause otherwise I'd be just discussing more about the combination of special effects and story telling on this page. The "mags on" panel and the fields emitted by Peia's suit are a lot to take in. It would've been more complicated in color but I bet it would've been more legible too.

Gunwild: I think I've learned a few things since this... I might have been smarter about the last panel, which looks great as it is, but that wasn't something called for in the script. I just wrote she was climbing along the hull. Having the shot include the drone returning was a good idea.

Gunwild: But on the other hand I've made an effort to leave artists more room to get inventive, because they usually do a good job.

Gunwild: Better than I would, of course.

Psu: Just thinking about that panel is pretty insane. Manage to show the drone ship docking which helps you figure out exactly where she is, some boob squishing, AND a cat face.

Gunwild: The graphic storytelling medium is magnificent!


(Panel 1: The drone she's riding is doing a flyby towards the back of the ship where the repair pens are, and Cassiopeia's already fired her magnetic harpoon, which is streaking towards the hull.)

ZEKE 1 (small or fading): Be careful.

CAPTION 1: Another interesting thing about spacecraft:

CAPTION 2: If, in the middle of a battle, you can find a way inside of their energy shields...

CAPTION 3: (Like, say, riding one of their drones back when it's damaged!)

(Panel 2: Close on Cassiopeia's body as she flies forward, pulled by reeling in the harpoon.)

CAPTION 1: ... and you DON'T use thrusters that the crew can detect, or give off a big energy signature of your own...

CAPTION 2: (Which you won't, because you're only in a space suit, remember?)

(Panel 3: Cassiopeia comes to a stop much more gently this time, a small smile on. She's gotten herself flat against the hull, almost like she's lying down in a relaxed pose.)

CAPTION 1: ... well, how are they ever going to know you're there?

(Panel 4: Cassiopeia's holding one of her gloved hands up. It's all the same color as her skintight spacesuit.)

CASSIOPEIA 1: Mags on.

(Panel 5: The palm of the glove changes color, turning gray-black to show that the function is activated.)


(Panel 6: Her harpoon back on her belt, Cassiopeia is crawling over the hull of the ship very closely, like Spider-Man but with a sexier shape. So, like Mayday Parker, then. The hands and feet of her space suit have been powerfully magnetized.)


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