Page Commentary No. 271 (Patreon)
Gunwild: I like Conan the Barbarian stories.
Psu: This bit of genius is all actually Gunwild's fault. I could never quote an actual book if my life depended on it.
Gunwild: You could probably do Fellowship of the Ring if necessary! But this one is a useful thing to be able to think when you are confronted with existential uncertainties, and other stuff that won't help you get your to-do list finished.
Psu: Admittedly, this is a really good quote about dealing with the existential crisis of the self. Something I imagine cyborgs might have to deal with more than most people. I think Ghost in the Shell 2: Innocence was like 90 minutes of talking about that subject. But what I like is that you genuinely wouldn't attribute that kinda talk to Conan the Barbarian. I think most people don't even think of the books or comic books at all. If they think about Conan it's either Arnold or the Late Night Host.
Gunwild: Civilization is a house of cards made up of polite fictions and choking rules! A barbarian can recognize the deeper truths, because they must be relied upon to survive. Anyway, meditating computer cat is cute.
Psu: I'm just here to provide the butts in the comic. I'll leave the wisdom to people who can read wise stuff.
Gunwild: The necessary is always wise, and butts are necessary. I take mine with me everywhere.
Psu: That sounds like a Conan joke. But we can take it for our own.
Gunwild: PLUNDER!