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Psu: We talked about this page a lot before we drew it. It was probably one of the hardest we discussed a single page, if I'm being frank. The result was pretty great though.

Gunwild: It's tough to decide how to do something like this, but I dunno... I can buy that it's always most important for Maddy to make sure her crew doesn't have dangerous concussions!

Psu: Yeah, I think that's absolutely key. Like Maddy does not have time to joke. And I think originally I fought hard for Cassiopeia to take a moment to make fun of Botz, ya know maybe a little moment of victory. But I think we went with the right decision, which was to take the whole moment very seriously. Despite what Botz is saying :p

Gunwild: Ah yeah, honestly I think both could probably have worked well. But there's a lot of stuff in the air already. Like Dr. Botz!

Psu: I think it's something we might not see enough of at the end of an action movie, lots of people ya know... lost a lot. It might not be the best time to be building on friendships. The expressions in the last three panels... I'm pretty proud of them and I think they say what we wanted.

Gunwild: True. They say a good amount. However I was just watching Commando so I dunno now I'm thinking maybe we SHOULD be having people say silly stuff after every serious moment. Especially if someone's probably died!

Psu: It gives it weight!

Gunwild: I think Dr. Botz is wishing she were light as a feather at the moment.

Psu: She might be making a mental note for the next time she builds her ultimate form. It'll probably have kick ass wings and stuff. Or jetpacks.

Gunwild: Yeah, that seems like a logical final boss type power creep... hope she can find the parts for it down there!

Psu: Well... I know we discussed a lot about how this page would go. But I'm pretty sure we were both good with Botz's "death scream."

Gunwild: Yeah, she died (yeah, right) sweating the small stuff.

Psu: Hey, there was a reason we spent that time setting up the whole thing with safety codes! You can never be too concerned about the important little details.

Brellom: Friendship with Dr. Botz ended. Now Captain Madison Vrax is my best friend. I'm a big fan of how the rendering on last panel came out.

Gunwild: I like how Cassiopeia is edging her way out of the page in reading-direction.

Psu: I think the only real clever thing about that was how I wanted her to cross behind Maddy as she's exiting the scene. It's a subtle thing but I think it adds to the feeling that she's leaving Maddy behind. And ya know, not really that happy about how this adventure turned out. We're pretty happy bout it though, I think it's one of our best chapters.

Gunwild: Best so far.

Psu: Best so far.




this is 100% my favorite chapter

Jayne Lindgren

The Peia/Maddy relationship is so great, and this page is such a great moment in it. So much said in so few words and body language.