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Gunwild: Jumping to push your younger sister out of the way of alien La Llorona is top tier big sistering.
Psu: Push your sister out of harms way, or push past her to get out of harms way?
Gunwild: Cassiopeia is lucky she was wearing a helmet...
Psu: Anyway, I think it might be worth mentioning but Gunwild likes sappy holiday comics a lot. I mean, I do too. But if he can, Gun would probably end every holiday strip where the entire cast is front and center and I have to draw 10 characters for 10 hours for a Happy Halloween. However I’m not complaining that much. He wrote in the script that I get to draw an alien goat skull ghost woman thing. Which is great. How many webcomics let you do that?
Gunwild: I don't know what technology allows the candy pails to be surprised but I love it.
Psu: The one in the last panel is drooling cause its brains are being eaten. This is a high tech page. It’s a very weird page if you didn’t know Cassiopeia Quinn type stuff. I mean it has ghosts. It has robots. It has suburbs.
Gunwild: Actually so much stuff happens on this page that panel 4 compacts both the action of bumping into something, the consequence of Cassiopeia being unmasked, and Nisa reacting to it into one image. Normally we give stuff more room to breathe than that, but we really wanted this page to go up for Halloween. And it did!
Psu: It was a pretty weird comic but yeah, I’m glad our Holiday comics tend to be pretty special. They got more ambitious over the years too. I remember when they started as tiny little sketch pages where I could kinda take it easy for an update. But now we want them to have FEELS and MEANINGS and TOGETHERNESS. It’s a good thing this page has hologram ghosts or it’d be too sugary sweet.
Gunwild: For the record, I'm still fine with tiny joke comics... the only problem is that being funny is really hard for me!
Psu: That’s why Cassiopeia relies on prop comedy. She didn’t quite realize floating on a planet is a little harder than floating in space.
Gunwild: I think people might have missed that she's cheerfully downing another potentially-dangerous alien candy, though...
Psu: (zooms in on the last panel) Oh boy...



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