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Gunwild: That's lewd. This comic is inappropes! 

Psu: Whose idea was the turtleneck sweater?

Gunwild: I don't know, that honestly sounds like something that might occur to either of us.

Psu: The correct answer is Talps. She went through a lot of effort to smuggle one into Vanaa territory.

Gunwild: She didn't have to at this point! There wasn't a creepy cultural embargo yet!

Psu: Oh yeah. It’s good to share across cultures. You get things like little doggo statues and snow globes. And you get to meet interesting people.

Gunwild: Oh right, that's what that snow globe is! I forgot for a second, but it's got the faux Las Vegas sign in it. Also, this should sort of go without saying, they're an odd couple, but they make things work. That's whatcha do when you're in love.

Psu: I like couples that clearly like each other and sometimes help each other be better/want to be better people. Talps sure shows she can change. But Kettering’s learning to change too.

Gunwild: Yeah look how much chinnier his chin has gotten!

Psu: Could stand to comb his hair though. He is in the Navy.

Gunwild: It's the Space Navy, they have weird rules. Like for example, there are specific regulations about when you are and aren't supposed to wear hats in the real-life Navy, depending on whether you're indoors or out. What are the hat rules in the Space Navy when you're inside all the time? I have no idea. So we just do whatever.

Psu: Including communicating with civilians from a space empire your empire is at odds with?

Gunwild: What the Captain allows is fine, that's true in every Navy.

Psu: Might bite her in the butt later, though...



Buck Caldwell

The world needs more Talps. Just sayin'.

Anthony Docimo

only if she has one to be bit...probably only for her Kettering to do. :) those two are adorable. (maybe they have special dispensation to comm each other anytime they like?)