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Gunwild: So nice of that anonymous tipster to have a heading and byline. 

Psu: You know what I should talk about on this page. It’s getting perspective right on a hallway panel like that. I’m ready to admit I got it a little wrong here. I tend to fit the actors into the panel, according to where each character speaks and how much space I want them to take up. But that means things like realistic perspective is second to those elements. The second panel here is a bit more reasonable. But the first panel, if you extend the perspective from where Maddy is standing, she’s probably too short for the scene! Well... other than that I actually really like the lighting here. I like that her office lights aren’t on. This is probably the first time we see the inside this particular room and I completely forget about what I drew here, the next time it shows up...

Gunwild: Poor Cupcake didn't get to meet the doggos in person... sometimes duty is trying...

Psu: Oh she probably went down to the planet! Even Kettering leaves with a souvenir the next time we see him. Just because we don’t show it on panel, doesn’t mean it couldn’t happen!

Gunwild: Cassiopeia knows how to use punctuation, but I bet she just dictated that message to a computer and spoke in a single excited rush...

Psu: But isn’t the only computer she dictates to, Skript Kitty? Wouldn’t he replace all the punctuation with cat emojis?

Gunwild: Now Maddy and Cassiopeia are working together in secret! The cop is caught between two worlds! Maddy is gonna have to yell at the sky and fire her gun all sadly cuz she just can't arrest Peia, like Johnny Utah in the best movie ever, Point Break.

Psu: Look, if you want me to draw Maddy and Cassiopeia as cops and robbers as surfers, you just need to ask. It was a pretty important moment in our story though. Before here we just had them accidentally working together. But from here on out, Maddy would have to keep this secret. It probably ain’t easy for her. 

Gunwild: Yeah, she likes to play by the rules! Doesn't know how to hang loose or get gnarly or... other outdated surfing slang.

Psu: Every bit of surfer slang I know came from the 90’s Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

Gunwild: Also Life is Strange.




Can I comment on Maddy's dress trousers? They look like shorts with tights, though I'd wager that they are in fact a one piece outfit. (Yes, I'm looking at her pants for style reasons. Get your mind out of the gutter.)

Jack Newbill

I'm not sure that they're shorts. I think she's got a hip-harness of some kind. Perhaps for a scabbard or holsters or something.


Now that you mention that... looking closer... yes, I looked closer, they do look like straps and attachments for something. Still can't shake that image of shorts though.