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Gunwild: That's a LARGE honor! Wocka wocka!

Psu: The perspective definitely makes it look bigger than it really is. Oh man... I forgot I added a little doggo on top of Botz. Also it’s highly irregular to have the celebration at the same time as the sculpting of the statue. But I suppose the Captain was in a hurry.

Gunwild: Yeah she can't hang around for days to get an honor... they have to block traffic just so she can stand around!

Psu: It is good that the Doggos can do this pretty quickly. I mean it is their main export. We’ve talked about Doggo industry before, haven’t we?

Gunwild: Not so much. They're good at statuary though! If you like their style, anyway.

Psu: I like their range. If you’ve got any sort of subject to make into a statue, they’ll do it.

Gunwild: We're... unsubtly making fun of Funko POP! figures, here. They're kinda all the same style and look a little like the doggo aliens. But I mean I like that statue on this page and also the detail of the teeny-tiny medal, which we've brought back later on formal occasions.

Psu: I need people to keep reminding me to add the Doggo medal when Maddy is dressing for an occasion. Oh hey, should she have more medals? Did we have a story reason about that? Senchel has a few, Toyn has a lot.

Gunwild: I feel like medals look ostentatious, her not having a lot (or not wearing them if she does) draws a good distinction between her and the characters who do show them off.

Psu: I think... there was either an article in a magazine (or a post on twitter) that pointed out how Generals and Admirals in the past didn’t dress with every single medal they ever earned. While not a recent invention, it was for a time sorta seen as garish to wear them all. Current military portraits of generals seem to be loaded with medals and impressive looking suits. I took that note when I was adding a ton of medals to Toyn here. He doesn’t even really have a reason to be wearing all those ribbons. He’s at his desk. It is a nice desk though, it can keep your tea hot.

Gunwild: Well, peril of hologram calling, I guess, you have to try to look your best. Unless you've got "make it look like I'm working" filters like Rosalba. Actually I kinda want one of those...

Psu: Also can I look a little taller? And like... look like I’ve been outside a little in the past few months? Well... in any event. I think Maddy’s really proud of this medal. It’s not the size of the medal that counts!

Gunwild: Yeah, it's big in DISTINCTION!



Jack Newbill

Oh, neat! His desk has a cute little ceramic burner to keep his tea hot. I mean, in a future that seems to have gone 100% paperless, it's not like there's even a risk of accidentally starting a fire by setting his stationery down on said burner. Excellent world-building detail!