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Gunwild: "Bzzap?"

Psu: How the heck did we come up with this one?

Gunwild: Uhh I just thought it would be funny for Dr. Botz, who proved incapable of picking on someone her own size, to REALLY punch down.

Psu: Heh, I'm just wondering if we were watching Godzilla or Pacific Rim within that period of time. I think Panel 1 is one of my favorite visuals in the entire series. It's just so silly and campy Attack of the 50ft Woman sort of thing. But I had a lot of fun designing the Doggo city. Looking at the art again, I'm getting to appreciate the little Diner and apartments.

Gunwild: It even subtly sets up the cool main Doggo in the leather jacket as coming from that one balcony, which he is returned to later! Also I didn't actually see the relevant Godzlla movie for the quote until much later. But it was already memetic.

Psu: Anything Ken Watanabe says is bound to resonate into meme potential. There's a LOT of design work on this page. I'm not sure if I did preliminary sketches or not. I must've done so for the Doggos but I had to come up with a bunch of things. This is Maddy's third sword, which doesn't actually make another appearance. I really like the muscely robot in the back. And of course the Doggos are all pretty creative too, each of them being distinct. There's a Homer Simpson one in panel 1.

Gunwild: I like Dr. Botz's bell bottom legs.

Psu: Yeah, gotta say the art in this page is fun. I always point back to this page so people can get a feel for the comic. It's a lot of spectacle, but it's also pretty goofy. And it's a little referential. And when the pages are colored, it's very colorful. The sky is such a fun set of colors here.

Gunwild: The subtle SFX on the sky background in the second-to-last panel is quite nice I feel.

Psu: When SFX are important to the story, I try to make em look nice. Like Botz legs.

Gunwild: Theira probably wanted to bring even more lasers but there were concerns about collateral damage. Not from shooting, just from her carrying too much stuff in this confined tiny city!

Psu: I just remembered I drew her with three different guns...



Not Fenimore

Huh. For whatever reason I always sorta pegged hero doggo as a girl...