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Gunwild: Some people put their welcome mats outside, which makes sense, I guess. But then the elements will wear them down!

Psu: Heh, I was just trying to find a way to say it's the front door without any obvious windows right there. But I really like the dreamy colors in this page. It's the sort of thing I associate with early morning and a good night's sleep. If I may make an assumption though, I think Gunwild really wanted to write a scene where it's like all the kids waking up to a Christmas miracle.

Gunwild: Well that and I remember the part in Home Alone where Kevin realizes that his wish came true and his family is gone. So I was like, "Oh yeah, if she makes a big wish to her stuffed animal and it comes true she might assume that he took her seriously." Which is the sort of misunderstanding by a child that I find hilarious.

Psu: I think the Flying Toaster painting is hilarious. Oh hey, I forgot I drew like a ton of locks on the door. How'd Gleb open it?

Gunwild: Ehh maybe Cassiopeia paid a visit first to clear the relocation with Marion while the kids were asleep.

Psu: The legal implications of this are enormous. How do you think they managed the paperwork?

Gunwild: If it was a New Jersey style industrial park like you said they probably just paid the local mob to rubber stamp it.

Psu: Mobsters making Christmas dreams come true. Oh hey, one more question. What the heck is Nisa waking up from?

Gunwild: I mean most of being a kid is not being allowed to pick what you get to eat. Naturally one would have bad dreams about being told to eat things you just don't wanna!

Psu: Like Flying Toasters...

Gunwild: I mean as long as the toast is good.

Gunwild: Is Maks a little young for coffee?

Psu: I think when Marion learned he made better coffee than the Coffee-matic, she allowed it.




I loved this sequence, it really shows Peia in a good light. Also, more Mr. Shnouf!

Philip D Jones

It’s been ages since I’ve seen flying toasters. For anyone me who is not a math geek Nitzah’s shirt shows the first six digits of the value of pi. If I met a woman wearing such a shirt I would fall in love instantly.