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Psu: This is a good page. How'd we do that?

Gunwild: I dunno... I told you, I have a hard time talking about this kinda page where I really pulled back some skin and let the audience see my insides. I go through phases where I guilt myself very hard about how little I actually do for people I care about, so, that's somethin'. On the other hand, despite demanding plenty of hard-to-draw details on this page (like those teeny-tiny book titles and Mr. Shnouf holding the dustpan),  I never noticed Ashley's turtlebunny blanket. The drawings, yes, the turtlebunny blanket, no. Good job with that.

Psu: I completely forgot about the Turtle bunny blanket! Anyway, I think you did a good job here. It's kinda a rare instance where it's just the feelings and the mood of the characters that propel this story forward. I think we do that with the kids a lot because they're not like... the main character hero kids of the story. So things are usually happening to them or around them. But here, things are ABOUT them. And the one real story we can explore with them are emotional ones.

Gunwild: Do you also agree with the theory we posit here where automation is never going to completely phase out the simple broom?

Psu: I have a cheap roomba. It has absolutely NOT replaced the broom. Anyway, now's the time where we gush over tons of little details. I think of Nizka's books, the one I wanna read is the Hive Queen. And I think this is by far my favorite Nizka shirt we've had in the entire comic.

Gunwild: Oh right, it's the digits of pi as an eye test, right? I can barely see it but I remember when you came up with that I thought it was pretty clever.

Psu: Tiny details totally impossible to see. I'm sorta glad the last few pages have just been a moon on a square balcony! I don't have to fill out tiny details like sodium street lamps or bunny rabbit bed sheets anymore! Oh hey. Other details. I forgot Nizka's eyes were green.

Gunwild: Well they're usually dots behind glasses so that's okay!

Psu: Tiny dots are easier to draw...

Gunwild: You usually don't even color 'em!



Jack Newbill

I didn't even notice until now, but Mr Shnouf is holding the dustpan for her! What a helpful little dude!


Looking at this page again, I wonder how Ashley can sleep with her head turned sideways on the pillow...wouldn’t that put weight on her horn thingie? How is that comfortable?