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Gunwild: I wrote this.
Brellom: I hate this page.
Gunwild: How dare you hate a thing I wrote!
Psu: Brell says that about everything.
Brellom: It's true.
Psu: But I remember Brell complaining. I just don't remember what the complaints were about... I mean, I like it. I got to relax!
Brell: I also do not remember what the complaints were about. There's a lot about this page I'd do differently now. My favourite part is easily the area with the pink clouds.
Gunwild: I like that the bag says "STOLEN STUFF" and that wasn't my idea.
Brell: I wrote that.
Gunwild: You did!
Psu: The pink clouds were smart. I dunno how consciously you did it but you can see the progression as Maddy goes into her goofy fantasy, that the page changes from grey to much more saturated colors.
Gunwild: To explain the last panel, I guess the Lefyne pop-in is kind of a weak joke. But I like that he uses the French idiom that she is "well in her skin," which is to say that she is comfortable and in her element, but ya know, in this instance she is also showing more skin than usual. I'm bad at languages but I got a few compliments on that pun.
Brellom: Yeah, I don't speak French. I remember Psu liking that Lefyne was entering the scene, holding onto the gutter space between the panels. I really enjoy drawing Maddy with more skin than usual.
Psu: Yeah you did a good think with literally utilizing the 4th wall break to show he's interrupting the fantasy.
Brellom: How did Lefyne even get here anyway?
Psu: Maddy was just getting into character! That includes going over the lists of nemeses. Is that the right spelling? I think I said it right in my head...
Brellom: Nemesis.
Gunwild: "No-likey-persons."
Psu: I think I wanna mention something, since this is the first time I think Brell drew a whole strip for us from start to finish. I didn't have much of a hand of it beyond approvals! But Brellom is very picky about trying to fit my style. I'm wondering what was tricky in particular.
Brellom: Yeah, that's... Interesting. I always seem to try capturing Psu's style when I do these pages. I don't know why, since it'd probably just be easier to do my own thing. You can sorta see where it's TRYING to be like Psu's work, but it's not quite there (like in the eyes). I think I did a much better job with that in the second Maddy comic I did (drawing-wise), as I remember a comment remarking on the stylistic similarity. Maddy is probably my favourite character to draw, even if she doesn't quite look like Maddy ENOUGH in places. I had a lot of fun putting her in Cassiopeia's Sexy outfit (I should do that more often). I also enjoy drawing silly expressions too (I should do that more often also). Madison really isn't the kind of character you'd expect to see like this, given how outwardly stoic and controlled she appears, so it's very much a lot of goofiness, and I think that's why I had this is so fun. Though I still wish I had done a better job.
Psu: That sounds like Brell is asking Gunwild to write Maddy getting into silly shenanigans for future guest comics. Anyway, I'll say it again. I thought you did a great job. Thanks for the help!
Gunwild: Yay Brellom!
Brellom: I produce a lot of NSFW art on my Twitter and Patreon (though I warn & keep it out of sight for Patrons so they have control over WHEN they see it). I'm kind of like Psu but slightly different, so if you like Psu's work, you'll PROBABLY like my stuff.




For the record, "Nemesis" (pronounced 'nem-ess-siss') is singular, "Nemeses" ('nem-ess-seez') is the plural, so you got that one right. As for the comic, Brellom's art here is different from the usual appearance of the comic, but given that the bulk of this one is Maddy's imagination, I had assumed that the style was simply a representation of the 'not realness' of the imagery. Definitely good looking artwork!

Jack Newbill

I love, too, how this shows that Maddison doesn't understand her nemesis at all at this point. Excellent characterization.