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Gunwild: You'd think taking your car in for service and them topping off the wiper fluid would be free. But check the bill! They might charge you for it without even asking!

Psu: Man, I would guess that Maddy's just a little on edge. She must feel like she's on thin ice right now. And that's WITHOUT having to think about her officers reporting over her head.

Gunwild: Never mind that, how do we invest in a version of "deepfake" technology that allows people to hide that while they're doing serious teleconferences in their nicest clothes, they're actually drinking cocoa in their comfy desk chair?

Psu: Rosalba probably needs that cocoa to calm her nerves. She's already the meanest of the admiralty, imagine what she'd be like if she wasn't relaxing. I think I need to ask a bit more about Russ though. It's been a long time since this story arc, how did we decide that he was going to do this?

Gunwild: Well, the rest of the crew would be hard to set against Maddy, they seem like they're more loyal to her than their larger military organization. Which is easy because she's a good boss and person.

Psu: It's also possible that, in the Regency, it's sometimes expected that First Officers send reports to the admiralty. It's probably a way of keeping everyone on their best behavior, if they suspect they'll be ratted out at anytime. Gosh, what a scummy organization.

Gunwild: Well I mean, whistleblowers are important... still, based on his track record up to this point I believe Russ when he says he doesn't actually wanna take her jawb.

Psu: I think that might've come across a little wrong, with the dialog there. Bringing it up like that might actually make it sound like he wants the job! Little wonder why the audience has never warmed up to Russ...

Gunwild: Well, they're not supposed to, any more than he'd warm to them! He'd probably scold them for reading comics on their computers instead of working...

Psu: I bet Rosalba reads comics during meetings. I know I would. Random visual tidbits! The lady with the pony tail and green eyes is a cameo of one of my friend's OCs. The "GG" logo is NOT a refrence to game grumps, even though it's a similar looking light blueish color on yellow... What was it supposed to stand for again?

Gunwild: Presumably the name of the service station, "Go Go Easyflow!" Which is fun to say. Try it!

Psu: It's probably got a really good commercial jingle...




Depends on the extent to which Vrax actually commands the ship, and the extent to which she serves as a figurehead through which control is exerted.