Page Commentary No. 151 (Patreon)
Gunwild: I wrote this page and even I'm surprised and confused that Mercy is still alive.
Psu: We had a bit of an argument on this one didn't we? Gunwild's very particular about concussive force in comics.
I'll let you explain it. I admit I'm not very awake right now...
Gunwild: Oh I'm mostly kidding, but it's sort of a running gag among X-Men lovers that Cyclops's eye-beams are supposed to be "concussive force," not laser-like heat. But sometimes they're shown melting things. So it never makes sense. So we'll say that Peia's speeder pushes itself around with a force field, not heat. But in the more direct sense of 'concussive,' yeah, I think I had Mercy not just getting knocked out when she's thrown like that, because being knocked out cold is no joke. So I thought it was more lighthearted if she were hit with one of her own butt-darts.
Psu: Speaking of out cold... probably wouldn't wanna touch Minx right now. I remember how her suit melted off.
Gunwild: Heh heh. "Tooosh!"
Psu: Other design notes I liked here... I liked how Cassiopeia's speeder could really rear up like that. I'm not sure if we planned for that kinda functionality from the beginning but we could say we did.
Psu: Other cool functionality... I like how Mercy's stun knuckle thing has to pop off. It's currently too hot and probably totally spent. Much like Minx and Clawlossus over there. I remember a comment on the page talking about Maddy looking like she' knows she's making a dramatic sacrifice. I think that's a bit much for our comic. But she does know this is gonna screw her chances at a promotion, at the least..
Gunwild: I liked the comments that were like, "Ohh, Kettlehead has been researching how Vanaa reproduce...." Nice.