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Gunwild: Thanks to Theira I now also always think of it as the "Radical Speeder."

Psu: It's as good a name as any. Speaking of sweet rides, I think this is my second favorite ship in the entire series. The "Fast Attack Craft" is different than the Iphacrates (sp?) that they normally cruise with. But since I knew the shenanigans we wanted to get into in the next sequence, what with ramming buildings and blowing stuff up with missiles, I wanted this ship to look intense and imposing with its big heavy front bumper and massive engine blocks.

Gunwild: Plus as a bomber, she's gotta have nosecone art!

Psu: Did I ever do some clean art of the bombshell woman?

Gunwild: Probably? If we can track it down we can make it an art update. Anyway it wasn't that hard to decide which crew people to bring along on this smaller ship. Excluding Cupcake was hard for me though because I like her so much, but she didn't have much of a role in this one and it was gonna run longer than planned anyway.

Psu: This was already a crowded chapter. When I think about it, I suppose it doesn't change the dynamics that much for Cassiopeia does it? It just means she's going to be chased by an even bigger thing! But at least this one chose NOT to directly hit her with a full barrage of missiles.

Gunwild: Maddy has more of a sense of fair play than most...

Psu: A note on the coloring here. Again I try to plan ahead when it comes to having color palettes describe where each characters are. By having Maddy's crew in the dark room with blue light, it should be easy to tell they're in a different room than everyone else. I think also having the darkened bridge of their ship, meant I could get away without filling the shots with unnecessary details. It might be worth noting though, that like most ships in this universe, even though this is a ship meant for flying in atmosphere, it's heavy armor means most of the viewports are actually screens with cameras all around the ship.

Gunwild: As should be the case for more sci-fi ships! Last thing you need is for a window to break and all the main cast to decompress to death.

Psu: And yet we still have movies that do that now and then! I'm lookin at you Geostorm.

Gunwild: I wish you hadn't made me look at Geostorm...


(No title)



COBALT CAROLINE, eh? I like it!

Jack Newbill

Something about pin-up art on spaceships always delights me.