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Gunwild: Y'all play Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance?

Psu: I did. I didn’t get very far because I kinda have a hard time when a game judges my style points. I think I was one of those kids who was upset at getting Bs for a long time...

Psu: ANYWAY. This page is pretty awesome I think. It was a lot of fun to draw and just the kind of stuff we never got to do a lot of since we did Cassiopeia Quinn instead of Minx’s comic.

Gunwild: My favorite is the "handstanding on sword car bisection," I don't recall seeing that anywhere else.

Psu: I’m not sure how much direction was in the script when you wrote this page. It might be nice to bring that up to compare. But when it came to visualizing the moves, I had some nice improbable choreography in my head. But what was more important was being able to visualize the motion between the panels. I hope I got away with some of that. The dialog actually helps with that because a lot of reading can cover moments in between the panels.

Gunwild: I have it open, it just says she's cutting a car in half. The inversion was all yours!


Psu: Gah, sorry had some guests over. So just wanted to add one behind the scenes note before putting this cool page away. I knew ahead of time that I was going to need to show the vehicles getting cut. One of the easy shorthands for that is showing the metal as burning and melting. But the background before was going to be this brown and bright dusty landscape. By setting this inside a small dark cloud, all the bright lines will show up nicely. Also Minx will show up really nicely too. Her butt’s nice.


(No title)


Jack Newbill

The moment our suspicions were confirmed that, yeah, Motor Minx is _kitteh.friend_!


...and now she’s sharing a house with you (see latest comic). This is what happens when you add people to your Christmas card list. 😝