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Gunwild: Robutt.

Psu: Maaaaaaan, that blade tail is so cool. I like that we actually got a few people thinking she'd be a bad guy just cause of that awesome shot.

Gunwild: I was hoping they would! That's why it's a crinkley moment!

Psu: I've been saying shenanigans a lot, but I think that still applies here. Like, just look at the shenanigans chasing Cassiopeia. I think that's a samurai on some kind of hoverboard just behind a dinosaur on some sort of Wacky Races contraption.

Gunwild: I like the viking with the lariat. I was also thinking Wacky Races. Just wondering, do you think you were thinking of the old dusty road signs on the colony planets in StarCraft while drawing those, or was it just more Fallout?

Psu: I think Fallout is more relevant to me as I spent a lot of horus with that game. It was really nice to put together the different layers to build the background. A little behind the scenes here, I used a more... watercolor like approach with the backgorunds here. Basically layering washes over washes of color to get that built up levels of dirt and different shades of brown. It's tricky to do that in other kinds of scenes but for this sort of monotone background it works wonders. And when I get that black cloud for the bottom panels, it really makes for a striking scene.

Gunwild: I think this may be the first time I noticed the kitty between her shoulder blades. It's fun!

Psu: Hah, unfortunately she's been "naked" in almost every following story so we never get to see this latex suit again. I figured on the "cat" theme to just be for show but it was too good on her, that she just has those ears on all the time.

Gunwild: It's theming. Even Cassiopeia has Qs on her shoulders right now!

Psu: Still lookin back at those bottom two panels. I got loads of compliments on that one, whenever I would show it to other folks. In some ways it's a pretty "obvious" way to frame such a scene to me. But I do love how all the elements work together. And I just love that multipart blade electrifying into one piece. Minx was one of my favorite old designs so getting to bring her back in a big intimidating way was a joy. Also worth noting, since this is the high res copy and you might be able to see it, if you look carefully at her collarbone in the last panel, you can see a marking there. That's Penny's makermark. A real leftover from that old comic concept.

Gunwild: Look for it all over Minx and Penny's stuff!


(No title)



The blade reminds me of the weapons from the movie "Ultraviolet".


Dunno if you ever saw Iria back in the 90's, Psu, but any time I see a cool segmented sword like that it makes me think of hers.