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Psu: And were back to our regularly scheduled programming.

Gunwild: This is a good bit, this is why we've gotta bring these cameo characters back. And I want a weapons-grade hammock!

Psu: We MUST'VE talked about this the last time right? How you have movie characters that are defined by just one good gag. Nowadays with an arc in our comic that speeds along, it's hard to imagine spending two pages on guest characters. But in the comic, it reads pretty well. Like it's just one of those things that gives the race a little more flavor.

Psu: It was definitely good flavor to get a Vanaa in this chapter. We were in danger of not seeing them for a long time!

Gunwild: PLOOT

Psu: It was definitely good flavor to get a Vanaa in this chapter. We were in danger of not seeing them for a long time!

Gunwild: Sometimes sound effects are just functional because you need them to help the reader identify the kinda thing that's going on. But other times you get to do good ones that look/sound funny just for their own sake.

Psu: This page has a LOT of fun looking things. Like Skarf over here looks great in action. And revealing that he's just an exceptionally tiny Vanaa in a humanoid suit was a lot of fun. Again, thanks go to Satellite9 for coming up with these two.

Gunwild: Yeah, let's link her twitter one more time! She's full of good art and bad puns.

Psu: I think that's her old avatar on Zeke's shirt. Oh hey, he's got his hat back on. I guess that's when it's Go Time. Also, I'm happy Nizka found a seatbelt. I don't think Cassiopeia even knew the space couch had them.

Gunwild: Inertia-regulating controls make you take these things for granted...


(No title)



PLOOT and BLOOMF shall now be included in all comics everywhere. I HAVE SPOKEN.


“Good art and bad puns”...beats doing it the other way ‘round!!