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Gunwild: I'm gonna be honest, Psu, that sandwich looks like it's gonna be gross.

Psu: Who knows! It might actually work out. I mean... what is that, anchovies. Some pickles... some kind of paste.

Psu: Anyway, I think this is another case where I delayed the main story because I was physically breaking down on making the page. The action scenes are going to take a while with a number of these interruptions. However, at the very least we're finally properly introduced to arguably the best additions to the Cassiopeia cast.

Gunwild: I wouldn't have named them Nizka and Nisa if I'd known we'd be using their names right next to each other for YEARS, ya know.

Psu: Neither of us knew they'd be around after this chapter. But we started imagining a lot of fun stories and they unexpectedly changed a lot of the dynamics for Cassiopeia herself. Ya know. As kids do. Should we mention how Nisa (holy cow her name is actually Denisa? I totally forgot) is kinda like a miniature Cassiopeia? They even kinda look alike. I remember thinking when I originally sketched her, she'd have redder hair or something but when I got the colors back from Brellom, she only looked more like Cassiopeia. And her attitude is kinda similar to boot!

Gunwild: I had Nizka using big words only mostly of correctly because I did that a LOT as a kid while trying to sound smart. Which, yeah, she is smart, but she might try a bit too hard at it due to shyness.

Psu: Ashley, I forget if we intentionally gave her a name with ASH in it cause of her demon horns. I don't remember going over their backstories before this page but I do love how we just drop that her dad was a friggen dictator.

Gunwild: I presume one of the overlords of the barons in the hell dimension from Doom. It's all there in the subtext!

Psu: Wait. Aren't we forgetting something? Someone rather?

Gunwild: Nope, don't know who you mean.

Psu: Yeah, I guess we did get all of them. Hmm...


(No title)



Naw, I think you got all the sprats...