Page Commentary No. 128 (Patreon)
Gunwild: That weird "Jaayce" sound effect in panel 4 is a reference to 1980s cartoon "Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors," which I never actually watched as a child or anything. But I did see the intro, and it's awesome, and that's good enough for me!
Psu: I don't often do hand drawn sound effects, especially nowadays but I do like how these look. The hand drawn motion lines add a lot to this page. There's a lot of shenanigans going on, and I hope it comes across as fun. But one of the things we started worrying about was doing lots of action panels in what would become a weekly comic. Especially with really tangential characters.
Gunwild: Also, wanna point out, Jayce and the Wheeled Warriors was developed by J. Michael Straczynski, and if you know who that is you probably agree with me that it's a good thing. Now, about the lotsa action panels thing, it's true we try to economize more now. But on the other hand, we definitely do still do gags like this, with a setup, the action, and the punchline. You know, these guys show up, they blow their shot (in silly fashion), and their response to it is silly, as we'll soon see.
Psu: We're just getting better at moderating our impulses to keep action scenes going on for weeks. Though that can still happen. Still, on the plus side this panel got to show off just how versatile Cassiopeia's bike is. And that's something that plays a little later as well. This comic got to benefit a lot from some early decisions. Like making Cassiopeia's bike red and the whole enviroment this rusty brown just works to this page's advantage.
Gunwild: It's what she'd pick. Red things go faster! I wish I could remember what we labeled the hammock-net toggle in Cyrillic characters, but languages have never been my strong suit.
Psu: I dunno, you seem to write words pretty good. Words like Toggle. Sproonnng. Jaayce.
Gunwild: Good job on the details of the hammock-holder and the separated sidecar components, by the way.
Psu: To get all art school right now, outside of specific cases, you don't want that much "flat space" in a comic where the rest of it is detailed and stuff. So you do little details to break things up a bit. If it was just a big rectangle, it would look like a blank panel in the middle of a panel. Here it helps because it looks like it would genuinely stop Cassiopeia.
Gunwild: We should buy hammocks.