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Gunwild: Since this page was drawn, on two separate occasions, I have taken pictures of old Ural motorcycles I saw out in the world and sent them to Psu immediately.

Psu: And I think I still look at the ones that Akira Toriyama drew. They're certainly a look. This page is a lot of fun visually, and I think really sells that the action is getting "crazy-go-nuts." I like to think of bad guys in a movie action scene as "gags." And you want your best gags to offer something fun and new for the viewer, and you take a moment and wonder what their story is. Mad Max Fury Road did that very well with a few gags. Speed Racer had a LOT of gags. I think you create a lot of interest just by having these two on a tandem bike from WW2, and one is some kinda tall vanaa and the other has three arms. But it does create something of a tangent to the main story though...

Gunwild: I admit that it does kinda wind off, introducing them, but it's always been our policy to create a wide cast of colorful characters that we can draw on later at need. Unlike, say, a TV show, we don't need to worry about not being able to get the actors again or whatever. So next time we need rough-and-tumble scrappy mercs... we're set.

Psu: Plus ya know, Sat's our friend and we liked Skarf and Lark a lot. They're basically our Bossk and uh... not IG88. They're not as pure evil as IG88.

Gunwild: IG-88 thinks, therefore he is.

Gunwild: ... that's a reference to the short story he starred in in "Tales of the Bounty Hunters," okay, it was really cool.

Psu: Someday when Cassiopeia Quinn is as big as Star Wars, we're going to have our lore bible where every single character that has ever been on screen for a moment has their own Wikipedia entry. And I think the Clawlossus one would be plenty sizeable.

Gunwild: Hehhh, that would be fun. And we'll use our sizeable riches to buy a Ural with a sidecar and zoom around the country!

Psu: I think... I'll end up staying quiet creatively for 20 years and then come back with Cassiopeia Episode I.

Gunwild: I'd argue but it's a proven formula to make billions.


(No title)



I'll be honest, until you pointed it out I never noticed that she had a third arm.