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Gunwild: I dunno, getting whanged in the face with a brick seems like a good reason to want to keep the helmet on...

Psu: Comic book hero rules ya know... you gotta see their faces. Anyway, what a nice little page. I think we could spend some time talking about the materials here. If something was heavy enough to break her helmet, what would that amount of force do to her neck? But it's nice to see us using the mechanics creatively. This is the kind of pure action moment we don't get to spend as much time on, now a days.

Gunwild: Well it takes up a whole page, and we're tryin' to make every page progress the story... which I guess this kind of does by revealing it's Mercy, but admittedly we already knew Peia's surrounded by bounty hunters gunning for her. Also, "Hiney-View Alert" is silly, I know, but Cassiopeia DID build this speeder...

Psu: What's sillier is that sop sign.

Gunwild: Letters are expensive! People get the idea.

Psu: Heh. Just a few more notes on this page. Visually there's a lot of things here that don't happen all that often in the comic. I don't use speed lines all that much but speed lines will be a staple of this chapter. Though most of the time you'll be seeing "energy lines" in place of speed lines. There's also loads of little sound effects that pop up now and then. Again I think they're worth it for The Big Race, but I bet people studying Cassiopeia sometime in the future will also note just how inconsistent it can be whether or not sound effects are used. Sometimes it can boil down to whether or not I feel like it. And "Boosth" worked here.

Gunwild: Yeah, as usual, we'll comment on some of the strangers ones I've forced you to use as they come up.

Psu: At least we didn't replace "Crack" with um.... "Helmetshatterfromthemovieequillibriumrefrence" in this page.

Gunwild: Too bad, it was a fun helmet!

Psu: It was one of my favorites in Destiny...


Psu: We better sop it.

Gunwild: I won' ell hem if you don'.


(No title)


Anthony Docimo

maybe the helmet absorbs all the damage and shock (et al) that would do damage to the neck and head, but can only be used a given number of times before it has to be disgarded? either way, great work on it all!


This is so great. 😄