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Gunwild: I wish I'd come up with a more fun title, but ya know, I enjoy stories where the heroes need to win SPORTS THING to get BIG MONEY to help NICE PERSON(S). So I keep things simple.

Psu: Oh my god... that Motor Minx is a wonky drawing. The trouble with a machine like that is that it ALMOST looks too science fictiony that it doesn't read like a moving motorcycle. To pick an analogy, if you gave someone a model of the Starship Enterprise and they had never seen a second of the show before, they have a 50/50 shot of getting wrong which way is face forward. So here's a bike that is maybe a little too hard to read as a bike. Thankfully in the comic we have context that helps it stand out but on this cover she doesn't look as good as I would like her to. Cassiopeia looks fine though.

Gunwild: Remember which movie this is a poster homage to?

Psu: AND THAT'S ANOTHER THING, it might be hard to understand it's a vehicle if you didn't know that this was an homage to the original Mad Max poster. We do like our homages though, and this was a big enough chapter to deserve yet another movie homage. I think it's a fun way to inform the reader what kind of story you'll be getting in the next few dozen pages.

Gunwild: Plus the fake creases and weathering are fun. I mean, I'm a sucker for homage art anyway, especially if it's not something we've seen a million times like the "Spider-Man No More" image. I guess we'll be talking about the contents of this story on the next page... which we will also give the audience this week, since Thanksgiving held us up last week!


(No title)



I read somewhere that Matt Jefferies’ original model for the USS Enterprise was upside down from how we know it today.