Page Commentary No. 59 (Patreon)
Gunwild: I don't get to do it as often as I want, but Cassiopeia's wandering mind broaching the scope of an intricate scheme and then scooting off in some other direction is a fave of mine.
Psu: I think she's actually completed the important part of her original thought, at least completed it enough to her own satisfaction but could get bored of it before she's finished saying it.
Gunwild: The "bridge shoots off as an escape boat" thing is always a nice dealie in sci-fi that I enjoy.
Psu: I enjoyed it too. I remember though, the vanaa medical craft might not have looked like it had the escape system in mind when I originally designed it. But I totally did! It seems though, maybe a bit of an engineering excess to have two completely independent engine systems on what becomes essentially two boats often flying as one. What's the engine for the pod system doing while the rest of the ship is flying? But speaking of redundant excess, it's awfully nice of the Vanaa to include controls for non gelatinous species.
Gunwild: Well, it's a rescue craft, they might assume that someone else will need to use it to escape/be rescued in the future.
Psu: And it's meant to render aid across many species! This might not come as a surprise but these are probably some of my favorite drawings of Cassiopeia herself. From the expressions to the actions she does, it's a really nice mix for her acting. I will admit though, if you compare this Cassiopeia to the way she was drawn in the first comic, this is pretty much how she's drawn today. Her hips are a little bigger here but she's not quite as toned as her first outing. Some of that is down to the way she's shaded these days. But I think a big part of it is just the focus on strong inks.
Gunwild: Prince Gleb is smart, you should always tip a freelancer for a job well done so they want to work for you in the future and do their job well.
Psu: Tips bought me a computer. Anyway one of the things I still like about this page is how you can almost hear the "whomp whomp" sound at the end of the joke.
Gunwild: I like Cassiopeia having a high opinion of her own butt, a schtick shamelessly stolen from Bender.
Psu: We haven't done a butt focused plot in a long time...
Gunwild: Well, trying to get someone's body back includes re-acquiring a butt...