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Gunwild: Panel 2's Maddy is one of my favorite poses in the comic. But the whole last panel is among my favorite images.

Psu: I'm not sure about the syntax on Dogz_=_no

Psu: There's a lot of this page that's a heck of a lot of fun. The gravity, Cassiopeia being smug and sexy, a dumb cat joke, Skwidj being absolutely adorable. The blue line of the tiny space ship giving me an easy visual to show movement of a space ship that's mostly off panel.

Psu: Hell, I remember trying to think about how the fireball would arc from one hot spot to the next instead of being just one big ball on the planet. It goes to show how powerful these ships are that apart from some visual issues with their screens, both ships escape a gas explosion largely unscathed.

Gunwild: Thing I didn't ask for, but you did: Kettlehead tracing a 90-degree angle on his holoscreen to show, not just tell, how they're gonna give chase.

Psu: We're a bunch of smart-os.

Psu: I'll say this page was definitely a challenge to paint but the color scheme came naturally overall. That bright blue works well up against the fireballs and from there it was a matter of painting clouds that got pushed away and getting the lighting inside the ships to change. But the whole spectacle is so cool, it's one of the scenes I'd love to see make it into a movie someday.

Psu:I don't think we've talked about the narration in a while. It hasn't shown up in a few pages but I imagine if we had shown what Ison had been thinking in the moments leading up to this, we might've spoiled her suspicions in the end of this chapter.

Psu: But it was a good decision to explain various things like the inertial dampening which I could show but would get confusing.

Gunwild: Well, she's probably focused on not falling on her kiester at the moment. Before someone tells me, yes, an inertial dampener failing as you shoot out of the atmosphere at this speed should probably result in your bones liquefying against the back wall, not just tilting back super hard. I know. I'm sorry. It's a silly comic.

Psu: It's not failing. It's trying its best! Also to be fair, the ship was designed for creatures whose bones are liquid.

Gunwild: They save a lot on chairs.


(No title)


John Trauger

Is that a homage to Peanuts in the final panel?


In these cases I love saying yes but it isn't really. They do share the peanuts shorthand for worried eyes though - Psu