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Gunwild: "Oh my goopness" kind of breaks the rule about Vanaa language that the words should actually both rhyme, sound "squishy," and have a similar meaning.

Gunwild: Those rules can bend with one exception, but aren't supposed to break with two. But I broke them here for effect.

Psu: Speaking of bend and break, I'm definitely bending the rules of page composition here but I think the effect is still super good and chaotic and big

Psu: We don't get to do too many big panel border breaks anymore so it's pretty gratifying to see this one here and still work as well as it does. I like that people could readily read that the bridge had a screen/glass floor and the ship coming straight at them worked.(edited)

Gunwild: I've been informed since that the methane would probably not 'asplode that big without LOTS of oxygen to consume. So uh, let's just say there was some. And also the flare was really, really good.

Psu: We're not the hardest of science comics for sure. Like I think, if we ever got Star Wars level popular we'd have to explain how exactly the Vanaa may be fine with Sodium but properties of table salt are painful. So I think coming up with the exact composition of this planet with oceans of liquid methane to at a flare, would be a job relegated to the same guys who came up with why Han Solo wasn't talking out his butt when bragging about Parsecs.

Gunwild: I bet he was, and only Chewie actually knows how to navigate. Han just guns the engine and points.

Gunwild: Last thing: you can catch the stars that are almost in Cassiopeia's eyes, in that last panel. Canon-wise, they're always blue, and if detail allows, flecked with white like stars.

Psu: Accurate! Cassiopeia needs more closeups. She definitely makes for a cute opponent in this chapter. One of the challenges in this page was just getting the right balance of everything which required a bit of forethought. Thankfully since I knew this page would be coming up, I could plan for things with the clear floor. But also the blue control pads which would contrast well with the fire. And looking at this page, it was important to get the explosion to look right. It's one thing to just draw the explosion and the waves of force but you really need to be able to get the glow. And you can't get the glow right without other elements to contrast with iy. So areas of strong shadows butting up against bright light I think gave this whole page the right BOOM it needed even without a giant sound effect.

Psu: Only element I regret is not personalizing the "HA!" word balloon some more!


(No title)



I've been reading this from the start, and I never noticed that she had stars in her eyes, thats awesome.