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With the script, gameplay footage, and greenscreen footage complete, I'm now working on editting it all together. Last night when I finished the greenscreen footage I had come to SO many cool realizations within the HEX. I'm going to improve on the white board script as I edit together the gameplay and green screen footage. Hopefully you are all as excited as I am!

What's left:
-Editting the Main footage
-Drafting, improving, filming and editting the whiteboard segments
-Filming and editting the skits



"That was so fun" I really love to hear that. Nothing is cooler than watching someone enjoy and be awesome at what they do. Keep up the good work, bruv


I think one of the best parts of your videos is your enthusiasm. I can tell you're really, genuinely, having fun. Not that other YouTubers aren't having fun! But your joy is palpable