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This is the final chapter of Infinity Cube, however... I've been having a hard time actually writing it. I know I would probably struggle with the ending, but I finally have an outline for how to conclude this wacky adventure.

But not before one last romp around the block-
So while unfinished this is still just over 2,000 words with the meat of the chapter yet to be written, so I thought I may as well share what I got so far.
Y'all deserve it.

“These are delicious! I feel bad for being surprised; my version of Mei Lin would have burnt down the house.” Elizabeth muttered, while sighing with clear satisfaction as she took another bite of the cookies my fiancée had made for us before her uTuber stream.

“She really got into Home Economics in highschool. Had a whole thing about surprising me with a new dish every week or so. Back then, Mei Lin was always scheming up new ways to make me smile.”

“Oh right, you two went to grade school together.. That's still kind of bizarre to me for some reason. Even after everything that has happened already.”

“Elizabeth, are you sure you don't want to stay with us? I know I've asked before, but the thought of you living in a pocket dimension apartment just feels.. I don’t know? Isolating?”

Ever since the ‘infinity cube’ had ultimately been destroyed, things have been relatively calm given just how much our lives have changed. I couldn't say the same for everyone else however.

Elizabeth had declined Arc’s offer to create a new universe for her to have a home in, but I understood why. I would have said the same in her position.

“I have my reasons, I'm sure you know exactly what those are.. I think it'll be better this way for now at least. Besides, I have a lot more studying to do now, especially if I want to catch up to you.” My counterpart blushed.

“You're way too sweet Elizabeth! Oh I love you, but seriously- you don't give yourself enough credit. Becoming a Void Goddess was both a complete fluke and definitely cheating. I may have sci-fi boob magic or whatever you want to call it, but I honestly don't understand any of this void stuff.” I sighed, resting my chin on my hand. Taking a moment to really look at my Doppelganger.

She didn't wear makeup or anything more than hoodies and sweatpants. Elizabeth simply lacked aesthetic charm. At least outside her natural beauty. Something we both shared in spades, she just.. Didn't seem to know what to do with herself.

Compared to me.. She was so plain. My tits were massive, awe-inspiring, powerful. Even after I'd shrunk them down in order to sit at the kitchen island comfortably. Forced down to the volume of a rather two prize winning watermelons, and impossibly held within the confines of my designer Lobotúre sweater. The soft fabric only barely managed to cover my nipples, leaving the entire front and top of my tits on full display as I leaned back.

“That's why I'm here actually. Arc said he'd found a job so easy anyone could do it blindfolded. All you have to do is use your reality altering abilities to nudge things along in a universe with high potential for ascension or virtual corridors.” Elizabeth straightened her posture and her eyes narrowed. The woman wasn't too much older than me, but honestly it was kind of hot to see the 32 year old look so serious..

“Virtual corridor?”

“A link to another reality, specifically at a skewed angle. Arc wants to call them.. ‘slides’, but that's way too tacky, even for me. You'll have to take one of V'aquisa’s orientation classes.”


Honestly, I didn't really like V'aquisa. The woman may have been one of the top eight most powerful void gods below Arc, but her smiles are fake and petty. That said, she was definitely intelligent, and I haven't really been keeping up with all this Void stuff. I'd been busy finishing my remade PhD project and fucking around with my new powers

“Claire already walked me through the basics of Omniversal Taxonomy.” I shrugged, not wanting to feel dumb in a conversation with myself..

Somehow; the poor thing's head is still a bit spotty after what Millie had done, she's stuck in a perpetual state of arousal, and she's pretty damn pathetic emotionally. Yet despite all that, the girl is surprisingly capable with many useful skills.

“Oh, that reminds me!” The other girl suddenly chirped up, breaking the awkward silence now slowly building between us. She dug her hand into the pouch of her hoodie for a few seconds-

“No way..” I whispered as she pulled out a small black box. Perfectly smooth and featureless.. It was the device that created me, or at least something similar. The moment Elizabeth had taken the object out of wherever it had been hidden, I could feel its overwhelming pressure washing over me in waves.

“Infinity Cube version four, I even upgraded it myself. V'aquisa helped with the stuff I couldn't comprehend of course. I think it's probably my best work yet.” Elizabeth stated proudly as she placed the object in my hand.

But.. She didn't let go.

Time slowed to a crawl as we stared at each other until it stopped altogether.

She… I.. We? Finally started to understand ourselves..

I was jolted out of the stupor by a loud THUDD!! -when the heavy cube hit the table after having slipped from our fingers somehow. “Holy fuck, Elizabeth…” I blurted out. Though I didn’t get a response right away as Elizabeth sat there panting, trying to catch her breath.

“A-Alice… I could… H-how can you handle that kind of arousal?!” The prudish woman in front of me blushed profusely, still squirming in her seat.

“Do you want to find out?” I breathed quietly. “I never felt so clear headed, not since I was a kid..”

“You want to swap places?!” Elizabeth exclaimed with obvious concern. The cube had acted as a conduit, causing our quantumly entangled viewpoints to flip polarity- or in layman's terms, we existed as each other for maybe half a second.

“Only for a moment! Nothing more than simple curiosity, of course.” I couldn't stop my lips from curling upwards just that smallest bit as I spoke.

“Alice.. No, we can't.” The older woman sighed. “It's too risky, I mean.. Your identity has been shifted so much already.”

“Fair point, but I don't even remember my past identities. Besides, I can always switch us back.”

“Tempting but no. I'm sorry, but caution is extremely important when it comes to these things Alice. You should understand that more than anyone.” Elizabeth stood up, looking around for something. The cube vibrated gently on the table before zipping into the air, floating quickly to Elizabeth's side.

“Woah, ok wait a second..” I muttered when I noticed the door to the basement had been highlighted by that oh-so-familiar white glow. The door then opened on its own accord, showing nothing but an empty black void. Pure darkness.


“Come on, let me show you your new office.”

* * *

Stepping through the threshold made me feel as if my body, my mind; finally had room to breathe. The sensation was incredibly refreshing and-

“A-Alice!” Elizabeth squeaked in astonishment at my true form.

Wait, my true form?

I hadn't even noticed, in fact before this very moment I didn't even know I had a ‘true form’. I was at least 10 feet tall and still growing. I could sense every fluctuation and shift of my physical matter, tugging me in different directions and planes of existence, flexing and contorting into my truest self. The confines of my mind expanding in tandem, stretching my thoughts across the infinite expanse around us. “Fuck yessss!!” The words forced themselves out of… Did I even have a mouth anymore? Not like I cared; insurmountable pleasures shot through my tits, and nothing else mattered.

-until I suddenly was normal(?) again, blinking in astonishment at Elizabeth who reflected the same expression back at me. A white outline running over my skin, forcing , she was the one who forced my shape from readapting to the space we were now in. Save for the still open door to the living room behind us.

“P-please tell me you know what just happened?” I huffed, trying to catch my breath. My tits desperately wanted to break free from the bondage holding me together. It took a scary amount of effort to pull away from their.. or maybe our(?) desires.

“I didn't alter your with a casual shift if that's what you're asking, just making sure you don’t end up blending yourself into infinity as you calibrate with the space; It wasn’t my idea, but this version of the cube is partially intended to level the playing field between us. It does a lot more than simply alter causalityyyy Wh-what!? w-waitwait!” Elizabeth gasped, nearly shrieking my ear off when my exhausted body limped forward and collapsed onto her.

I probably would have done the same in her position.. We never actually touched before. Now here we were, standing inside me.. Inside me? No, this was my umm… What did Elizabeth say? My office?

“What the fuck..” I sighed as I managed to move off of the nervous wreck of a woman I used to be. Though my utterance was more so directed to the room we were now in. Of course, an office. The walls and floor were rosa portugués pink marble gilded with gold veins. The luxury bimbo aesthetic couldn’t have been better, although the lack of windows and furniture- Never mind.

No time to blink before the room was fully furnished and the walls had been replaced with a single solid pane of glass, revealing the sky. “I think I understand it? This is void space right? I’ve been to VOID club a few times, so I’m familiar with the concept.”

“It’s your void space Alice. Technically ours, if you want to be pedantic about it. It manifested when you or uh.. Your.. Um.. B-b-r-”

“Tits, babe. They’re tits.” I giggled down at Elizabeth with a hint of haughty smugness rounding the corners of my lips. Being the same height normally, my favorite ‘at home heels’ gave me more than enough leverage over myself to feel just the least bit dommy.

“Y-y-eah whatever. Anyway, it’s pretty much our own mini universe to whatever we want.. B-but that’s you know.. I-It’s necessary for what you’ll be doing at PRIME and f-for practice. O-of course you can do anything else too.. I mean y-you felt it right?” Elizabeth stammered, blushing up a storm as she took an anxious step back.

“Whatever we want? Sounds to me like you want something Lizzy.” I grunted, pushing back against the cube's pull until finally breaking away, snapping its hold like cheap handcuffs. The device hovering beside Elizabeth sputtered momentarily but showed no signs of damage when the ambient light around me began to dim..

I continued stalking forward, pushing the clearly horny woman deeper into my new office, until she inevitably hit her ass on the desk. “And to answer your question, yes I did. Though it would be a waste to keep that pleasure all to myself.”

“Alice, please promise me I’ll leave this room altered! I-I’m not a-!” Elizabeth tried one last time. I could literally taste her desperation, and it was deliciously split between arousal and timid denial of her carnal desires. Without the cube restricting my control over this spacetime, hiding the truth from me was futile.

“I promise, and I keep my promises..” Something about that felt extremely important... “But what were you saying? Not a lesbian? What do you mean Alice?

“Oh shut up Alice.” Alice rolled her eyes as her hands clasped my face. Bringing us into a deep passionate kiss with ourselves.

I melted into her soft pillowy lips with my own, both of us wanted this so badly. Two pairs of truly divine tits smashing and squishing against each other. “Mmmhhmm!” We both moaned in unison in response to the myriad of sensations being shared between us.

Alice and I were the same person after all. Though I wasn't entirely sure if I should stop thinking about her as Alice, but as me?... No. Alice and I had to remain separate individuals, because she used to get Elizabeth. I mean, so did I but this is totally different.. Right?


So this is where I've landed at time of writing, and I plan on really fleshing this out from here.
If you have an idea/comments/critiques/etc,  I'm always happy to hear it, even if it's harsh.

Is there anything you want to see with Alice and Alice?
I likely plan on adding Mei Lin and Claire to this as well~


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