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Hello everyone, and thank you for helping make the release of Mice Tea a success! We'd like to thank everyone who's bought a copy or helped promote us and especially those of you who are still supporting us via this Patreon.

And for those who who are still part of our Patreon, we'd like to let you know that you'll soon once again be granted access to our ongoing work as we start sharing the next visual novel by Cinnamon Switch: Coffee Buns!

Coffee Buns takes place after the events of Mice Tea where Kemono Tea's transformative effects are already known and available to the public. It features a whole new cast of characters that live in New Greenshire (not that some old faces won't make an appearance) who use Kemono Tea to experiment with their bodies and identities.

As you might guess, the protagonist of our story is a bunny, who you can see in the provided pictures. Or, well, I guess there's two bunnies shown in the image above. When we have more to share about them, we'll be posting about them here on the patreon.

We can't wait to share the development of our next project, the first we've started with a Patreon already up and running! You'll be seeing a lot of the early art development as we work in bringing you Coffee Buns! 



Garra Wolfdog

Oh awesome! I can't wait to see how it develops! :D will the memberships with NPC cameo perks also apply to Coffee Buns, or was that just for Mice Tea?

