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Hi there patrons!

As we mentioned in a previous post, now that we're selling Mice Tea for full price, we are removing the ability to download the early access version by being a $5 and up member. The game's been on sale for a few days, but we still wanted to give newer subscribers the chance to grab the game.

 You can find that Early Access download here 

However, we're turning off access tomorrow and the only ways to get the early access version will be either

A) Buying the game on itch.io
B) Donating a cumulative $20 via the Patreon

If you've done (B) you should have received your code for the game by now. If you haven't yet, please contact us and we'll figure it out.

If you've donated a cumulative total less than $20, you can keep pledging until you reach that total and you'll receive a code in your email. We'll be periodically checking the patron list to see who's crossed that threshold and should receive a code.

Thanks to all of you, especially those who have continued to donate after receiving their codes! Rest assured your donations are being used to complete the final remaining work on Mice Tea and helping us get started on our next project!



Hello! I'm not sure if I ever asked but when I first signed on my username was vince94, but I've since transitioned! Now I go by livvy94 ✌️


Looks like we sent you a code last Friday to an email that uses that old name. Check to see if it's in your inbox or spam folder


Hi I originally posted asking about the code but then I found it in my spam folder! thanks gmail.