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Hi there patrons! Usually around this time of the month we'd have a poll for you to vote on. However, we'll be skipping the poll this month because we're going to be focusing this month's development on a very specific goal.

Specifically, it's because our plan is to have an early access retail release for Mice Tea at the end of this month! We intend to sell the game on itch.io alongside the free demo while we work on getting a Steam listing up and running.

That doesn't mean the game will be finished this month (we're still anticipating that early next year) but we are planning on releasing an early access version for sale that does not require a Patreon membership to play. With that in mind, we're going to be focusing our development on some very specific content and assets that are preventing us from being confident enough in the game to sell it to the general public. For one, we're going to remove all the placeholder character sprites in the game, and we also want all the art in the demo to 100% complete.

We might have done a similar poll to last month for the stickers, but we feel fairly confident last month's second-place finisher would just win, so we're just going to do that without the wait. With that in mind, look forward to a sticker sheet of Felicia's cats this month!

We can't guarantee we'll finish everything we want to this month, but we're set on making that our goal. We hope you'll forgive the lack of a poll and will cheer us on as we work towards this important benchmark!

EDIT: Probably something we should have said initially, since it was the first question asked, but we plan to give a download key to all the patrons who have pledged a lifetime amount greater than or equal to the retail price. As for what that price is... we'll let you know.

But yeah, no need to buy a retail copy if you've already been pledging for a while! Not that we'd turn down the extra sale :3c


LucidLucario .

Can’t wait!!! Do have a question though, will supporters have to pay for the retail release?


If you have a lifetime pledge amount greater or equal to the game's price (TBD), we'll just give you a download code. So no need to buy an extra copy.


Woooh! Congrats! Long time in the making. Hope everyone is proud!