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Oh no, what's happening to me? This can't be real. I woke up this morning feeling weird, but I never expected this. I looked in the mirror, and there they were - these huge lumps, like extra breasts, all over my chest and stomach. I can't even count how many there are. It's like my body's gone crazy overnight!

I'm freaking out. How did this happen? I feel like I'm in some kind of nightmare. I can't stop touching them, trying to make sense of it all, but it just feels surreal. I mean, two or three pairs I could maybe handle, but this many? It's like I'm turning into some kind of mutant or something.

I can't even think straight. What are people going to say? How can I hide this? I don't want anyone to see me like this. And what about work? How can I go back there looking like a freak show?

I need to talk to someone, but who? My parents? They'll freak out even more than me. Maybe the doctor? But what if they can't fix it? What if this is permanent?

Oh gosh, as if things couldn't get any worse, I just felt something weird on my back. I try to twist my arm to reach it, and my heart sinks when I realize - it's another one of those strange lumps, just like the ones on my front.

Panic shoots through me like lightning. How did I not notice this earlier? How long have they been there? I must've looked so weird to everyone else, with these things growing all over me like some kind of freakish plant.

I'm shaking now, feeling nauseous. I can't handle this. Why is this happening to me?



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