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Experiment Log: Day 2

As my physical body continued its metamorphosis, each passing day seemed to unveil a new chapter in this scientific odyssey. The morning brought forth another astonishing development—a third pair of breasts, emerging beneath the existing ones. The symmetry was both perplexing and intriguing, a testament to the unpredictable nature of genetic interventions.

What surprised me more was the size and firmness of these neoplasms. They defied the expectations of conventional human anatomy, and while this experiment was steeped in scientific inquiry, the personal experience of these transformations was undeniably surreal.

Simultaneously, my body became more flexible, a suppleness that echoed the sinuous movements of slugs. It was as though the fusion of human and gastropod DNA had bestowed upon me a newfound elasticity. Alongside these changes, I gained a few centimeters in height, an unexpected consequence of the ongoing metamorphosis.

My mental state mirrored these physical adaptations. The tranquility that had taken root on Day 1 intensified, enveloping me in a serene cocoon. I found myself not just adapting to the unhurried pace of life but wholeheartedly embracing it. It was a stark departure from the rapid cadence of human existence to which I was accustomed, a shift that mirrored the gradual transformation of my very being.

In a private note to myself, I realized that these physical changes were not without their concerns. The unpredictability of the experiment was a constant companion, and yet, an unexpected pleasure surfaced amidst the uncertainty. There was a surprising delight in feeling my body evolve, an almost intimate connection to the scientific dance occurring within. Despite the apprehensions, I wasn't ready to interrupt the experiment. The allure of the unknown and the unexpected pleasure in feeling this metamorphosis firsthand fueled my determination to see the experiment through, navigating this uncharted terrain of the extraordinary.



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