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Experiment Log: Day 1

Awakening this morning brought forth another unexpected turn in my ongoing genetic odyssey. A secondary metamorphosis had occurred - a second pair of mammary glands now nestled just beneath the initial enlargement. These newly formed structures mirrored the first, and though a scientific curiosity, they were an undeniable divergence from the intended focus on muscle enhancement. The cold, moist sensation persisted, amplifying a sense of otherness in my own skin.

My enhanced vision, an unintended consequence of Stylommatophora gene integration, now allowed me to discern even subtler details in my surroundings. The world, viewed through this altered lens, became a symphony of colors and shapes previously unimaginable. Emotionally, a serene rhythm persisted, as if I had tapped into the unhurried essence of a slug's life. This peculiar calmness juxtaposed against the uncharted territory of my changing physique, unveiling a landscape of fascinating yet daunting possibilities.

As I stand on the precipice of uncertainty, questions loom about the reversibility of these adaptations and the necessity of further genetic intervention. Health concerns, spurred by the glaring genetic disparities between humans and gastropods, add a layer of complexity to this scientific journey. The experiment, initially conceived as a quest for enhanced muscle function, has unfurled into a narrative of unforeseen alterations, inviting both wonder and apprehension in equal measure. The journey unfolds, weaving scientific intrigue with the tapestry of the unknown.



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