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Tori showed her credentials at the security station and was waved through. This was the third security check she’d submitted to. TransforCo was nothing if not concerned about protecting its research facilities. Tori entered one of the laboratories and greeted the research staff. A grey bearded man in a lab coat said “Ah, Tori! Glad to see you! Ready for another fun day of testing?”
“Yes, Dr Druitt. I hope you aren’t trying to persuade me that the fun is so great that I might help out with the research without being paid?”
Dr Druitt frowned a little then realised what Tori was saying then shook his head vigorously. “Oh, no, no, no! You’ll be paid quite handsomely, as always.” The good doctor was surprised because he always felt that the job of researching new technologies and transformations was a lot of fun and couldn’t conceive that anyone might think otherwise. “If you’re ready, you may use the changing cubicle to stow your gear and your clothes.”
Tori entered the cubicle and removed her clothes and stored them in the small locker that was there. The tall, slim brunette looked at her reflection in the full-length mirror with approval. She was always assured that she was so popular as a test subject due to her great genetics, but she secretly believed that it was her beautiful face, great figure and fulsome breasts that brought her so many opportunities in the TransforCo labs.
Tori left the cubicle and seated herself in the testing area. “What have you got for me today?”
Dr Druitt brought her a tablet in a small plastic bag and a glass of water. “Today we’re trying out this formula for extra breasts. We believe that you will grow some more pairs, but probably not more than three pairs. The changes should begin about ten minutes after you take the pill.”
Tori took the pill out of the bag, swallowed it and washed it down with a little water. Compared to some of the tests she’d been subjected to, some extra breasts weren’t much of a challenge. But it could be fun. The lab technicians busily set up cameras and other equipment to record the changes. Tori was used to the intense scrutiny and had lost her inhibitions ages ago.
After about ten minutes, Tori felt a little pressure from below each breast, as two small lumps began to swell. Suddenly, two breasts popped out under her others, giving Tori a burst of mini-orgasmic pleasure. She felt her new acquisitions, realising they were just as sensitive as her original pair. Another pair suddenly popped out under the second pair, with a similar burst of pleasure, causing Tori to gasp. Moments later, two more popped out. The front of Tori’s torso was covered by her four pairs of breasts, and she thought that would be the end of it.
Strange things began to happen to the lower half of Tori’s body. Her legs began to retract up into her torso, while the lower section of her spine began to lengthen taking her vagina and buttocks with it. This unexpected change was pleasurable, even if it was on the weird side. The lower section of Tori’s body continued growing in length. It grew over the edge of the chair, down to the floor and began growing forward. Tori was more fascinated than dismayed by this unexpected turn of events, and was interested to see how it would turn out. The growing tail snaked forward and continued to lengthen. It stopped growing when Tori’s entire length was about eleven and a half feet. The end of her torso formed a rounded stub and her private parts reformed themselves, her vagina moving about two feet from the stubby end, and her buttocks about six inches closer to the end, shrinking to create a very discreet anal crack.
Tori thought that the weirdness must be over, when another pair of breasts suddenly popped out below the fourth pair. Pair after pair popped out, each below the last. Enormous waves of pleasure engulfed Tori as each pair emerging caused her to have a miniature orgasm. The last pair appeared just before Tori’s stubby end and she slumped a little, panting and covered in sweat.

The lab team swarmed over Tori, picked her up and carried her to an examination table to conduct tests. She was x-rayed, subjected to ultrasound, and many blood samples were taken. Tori found that she could bend her new body so that her hands could reach down to the very end of her length. She took hold of each pair, one by one and found that they were extremely sensitive to touch, especially the nipples (of course!)
Tori then turned over onto her stomach (wherever that was), and discovered that when her breasts and nipples were in contact with a surface, they became rigid and quite sturdy, able to support her body, with no sensitivity or discomfort. She slid down onto the floor to further test her new body. Flexing new muscles, Tori found that she could move each pair of breasts independently, like the legs of a caterpillar, allowing her to be propelled forward across the floor. Bending backwards at where her waist used to be, her upper body could be upright while her lower body and its strange locomotive protuberances moved her around. Bending backwards at half her length, she was basically face to face with most people. Any pair of breasts not in contact with the floor and hanging free went back to being extremely sensitive. All during this time the lab staff observed, measured and took notes.
After Tori had had some time to get acquainted with her new body, Dr Druitt spoke to her: “Well, it seems we underestimated the amount of change that drug would cause.” Understatement was a particular talent of Dr Druitt. “The process grew new vertebrae down your spinal column and a new pair of ribs under each pair of breasts, giving you a snake like form of locomotion. But the breasts are acting like the feet of a caterpillar. You are practically a new life form.
“Well, this test was a failure and we can’t leave you like this, so we’ll give you the antidote and you can go home.”
Tori wasn’t sure she wanted that; she found this new body pleasant to get around in and very flexible. She said “I think I will stay this way for a while. This new body feels great and is very malleable.”
“But even if we don’t give you the antidote, the drug’s effect only lasts about twenty four hours. You’ll change back tomorrow anyway.”
“You could give me an extender shot; we’ve done it before, when I’ve been changed into far less interesting forms.”
“Well, it’s not orthodox practice, but we can accommodate your wish. How long would you like?”
“A week would be good, just to see if it’s as fun after a while.”
“Okay, we’ll give you that shot. One favour: we’d like you to keep a journal. Record your thoughts, feelings and experiences while you remain in this state.”
Tori was discreetly driven back to her apartment in the same van that had picked her up and the experienced TransforCo transport crew were able to secretly carry her inside.
Once inside, Tori spent some time acquainting herself with her new body. She found the best position for walking with her breasts was to bend her body backwards at the point just below the third pair. She got better at moving as she practiced and found the sensation of moving each pair of breasts backwards and forwards, while supporting part of her body’s weight, in a wave motion going from the first pair in contact with the floor to the last, oddly satisfying. It was as though it was right for her. She tried fondling one of her free breasts and gasped at the sensitivity, but as soon as it was on the floor and supporting her weight, it became firm and seemed to engage the muscle now attached to it.
Tori’s next action was to take a long warm bath. Because of her new body’s flexibility, she was able to submerge most of it in the warm soapy water. As she washed the front of her body, every touch of her sensitive nipples elicited a moan of pleasure from her. She dried off with a towel, trying very hard not to bring herself off in the process.
After her bath, Tori explored the apartment with her new form. She was glad to find that her new body was not an impediment; she could reach and use everything in her home.

The next thing Tori did was to call her friend Stacey, who was known for her dress design and sewing skills. “Hi Stacey. I was wondering if you could come over. I did some TransforCo testing today, and I need your help. Could you bring your sewing machine, measuring tape and as much fabric you have on hand with you?”
Stacey groaned. “What have they done to you this time?”
“It’s hard to explain. You’ll see when you get here.”
When Stacey arrived, it took her a moment to take in the apparition that was Tori’s new body. “Well, that’s different”, she said. When she had had time to look at Tori more closely, she asked her to show her how she was able to get around. Tori did a circuit of the living room and came to a halt before Tori. “Well, that is one of the most interesting things I’ve seen. Sexy and disturbing at the same time. Don’t your breasts hurt moving you around like that?”
“No. When not in contact with the floor, they are really sensitive. But when I use them to move, they become like little firm feet, and like feet, they don’t feel things much.”
“Well, that’s convenient. Now, what did you want me for?”
“Well, I can hardly go out like this and I don’t want to cause any unneeded trouble. Can you design something that will tether and cover my breasts for decency's sake, and maybe the cups could be a little firmer, sort of like shoes?”
Stacey looked thoughtful. “Quite a challenge! I think I might be able to come up with something.” She took to the task of measuring her unusual client. Even though she was as careful as she could be, her occasional touching of Tori’s breasts drew an occasional gasp from Tori, who climaxed several times during the process.
At the end of the measuring, Stacey said “Well, I think we can work with this.” Stacey’s idea was to make a long sock like object, sort of a corset, with each breast cup made of a sturdy but comfortable material. She quickly drew a quick sketch of her design and showed it to Tori, who approved. Stacey then set to work.
Hours later, Stacey held the finished garment up for Tori’s approval. It was long, had many bra cups and fastened at the back with a combination of Velcro and zippers. “Looks great”, Tori said. “Can you help me into it?”
With a bit of stretching and prodding, Tori’s body was finally encased in her new garment. She looked at herself in the mirror with approval. She then tried moving around in it and it did the jobs of both clothing and shoes remarkably well. After Stacey had done a few adjustments for better fit, Tori said “This is amazing! You really are the best fashion designer in the world! If I pay you more, can you make a few more, perhaps in different colours?”
“Of course, I could, but didn’t you say you are only like this for a week?”
“Yes, but I am going to ask for a longer extension.”
The next day, Tori caught a taxi back to TransforCo’s labs. Working in TransforCo’s hometown, the taxi driver hardly raised an eyebrow at the strange young lady. She managed to persuade TransforCo to give her four more months to remain in her new form.
Tori had the next taxi she caught take her into town. She decided to walk with her face at normal human height, the breasts of her lower half twisting back and forward under her weight, showing no sign of being overloaded. With her purse over her shoulder and her breasts moving her forward, Tori could have been like any other lady out shopping except, perhaps, for the long train trailing behind her. Passers-by were appreciative of her new form and she received many compliments on both her body and her outfit. Tori was absurdly pleased. This was TransforCo’s hometown, and people thought nothing of a multi-breasted caterpillar lady.
The following day, Tori arranged for her car to be converted to hand controls only. Driving wasn’t as awkward as she feared. Her lower half could simply be bent to the side and rested on the feet of anyone who happened to be a passenger.
Over the weeks, Stacey created more garments for Tori, so that Tori built up quite a wardrobe.

At the end of the four months, Tori asked if she could stay in that form indefinitely, showing how her independence in this form didn’t necessitate conversion back to her old body. She was given an injection that would allow her to stay in her current form unless she had another injection to revert her back to her old form. The drug was never released in the version that Tori had taken, so Tori remained the only one of her kind. Over time she became famous and became the spokesperson and figurehead for TransforCo. She was always grateful for the accident that had made her the world’s first and only Tittypede!



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