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She knew she had the looks. She knew she had the fashion. She knew she had the body. Cassie knew she was a showstopper the minute she walked into a room. And as she walked down the bustling city street that night, she flaunted it like she was a professional in those sorts of things.
         Cassie strutted with a confident air, smiling to herself as she heard the rhythmic step of her shimmering black stilettos under her feet. Her body gleamed in her flowing blue dress, accentuating it in all the right places. She didn’t hesitate to wink at passersby, even letting her hands wander along young men’s shoulders. She giggled innocently at their dumbstruck reactions as they would ogle at her pushed up and prominently showing bosom, bulging and jiggling out of her deep cut gown. But she wouldn’t dawdle for long as she left them in their daze to stare dreamily at her sashaying hips as she continued on her way.
         She soon found herself at her destination: Ol' Marshall's Bar. The blonde often frequented this establishment to prey on drunk and innocent men. Men who would often be better off some place else than to be lured into her charismatic web. Pulling the door wide, she was greeted immediately by an assortment of whistles and catcalls.
         “Well, if it ain't the fine lass herself,” the bartender welcomed in a more gentlemanly manner than the patrons at the tables. “Cass, how have you been, love?”
         She walked up to the bar and fluttered her eyes with a giggle. “Oh, Gerald, you’re too kind. I’m doing quite fine, thank you.” Putting a dainty nail polished hand on the bar, she gave him the most convincing puppy-eyed look. “Would you be a doll and offer me a drink?”
         Gerald's cheeks turned a slight shade of pink as he nodded. “Aw, but of course, Cassie. You're my favorite customer.” He immediately turned to fetch a glass and swiftly mixed a cocktail for the woman. Handing the chilled beverage to her he garnished it with a complimentary lime. “This one’s on the house,” he smiled.
         Cassie took a hold of his hand before he could take it away and kissed it. She leaned up again and winked. “Thanks Gerry.” She gave him a parting loving look and then stepped out onto the floor in search of her first victim.

         There was a man who looked particularly lonely at a table by himself. Two mugs sat before him, one of which was empty and another with another few sips left. She found it a perfect start to a night to perk up a few of the emotional drinkers.
         “Why the long face?”
The man looked up slowly to see Cassie leaning down at his table, her cleavage on perfect display for him to see. He gulped, surprised to see such a beautiful woman stopping to chat with him.
         “Aren’t you going to have me sit down with you?” Cassie spoke again, acting hurt by his silence. She made a motion to leave when the man finally answered.
         “N-No! I mean, yes, please sit down,” he sputtered. He reached for her arm and gently urged her to stay.
         She noticed the man get up quickly and pull out a chair for her to sit in making her gasp. “Aw, thank you.” She smiled at him and sat herself down, placing her untouched drink on the table. The man returned to his chair and gaped at her beauty for a moment before responding.
         “You look absolutely stunning, miss,” he complimented. “Not too often I get to see someone as beautiful as you.” He pushed aside his mugs in a hope that she wouldn’t notice them.
         “You're a handsome one yourself,” Cassie wooed in return. “What’s a guy like you doing here?”
         The man sighed. “Being the most relied on guy at work kinda whips you. Just came here to relax a bit after a hearty day on the job.” He grabbed his mug and downed the rest of the beer in one gulp and set it aside.
         “A hard working man in the business world?” Cassie said dreamily, completely disregarding what the guy even said. She disguised her disinterest well and just buttered him up. “So does a CEO like yourself know any ways to make a woman have a good night?”

         The man blushed and ran his hands nervously along his legs under the table. “I’m sure a grubby place like this isn’t a place for someone as lovely as you. Why don’t we try my place for the night?”
         Cassie had to hold back the impulse to laugh at his hasty offer. She didn’t show any sign of it and simply covered his hand with her own. She had to give him a special place in her book for being the quickest guy to pose that question. “How about we get a few drinks in us and then fly, that alright with you?”
         The man nodded and took no notice of the cocktail Cassie still had as he sprang from his chair to walk to the bar.
         “Oh, this is just too easy…” Cassie sighed to herself and grinned. She had no intention of still being at the table when he returned and got up to find another table. Seeing a couple at the other end of the room she giggled to herself. “Let’s see how your man loves you after he sees me…”

         “You really think you can get away with what you do every time?”

         Cassie heard the insinuating remark hit her ears, piercing through all the other jumble of voices around her. She halted where she was and swiveled on her heels to glare at the person who said it.
         An older woman sat hunched over in a booth on the side wall, looking at Cassie with haunting yellow eyes. She wore a musty looking cloak that draped over her to disguise her face.
         The blonde suddenly felt the need to go over and quiet her. Stalking to her table, Cassie planted her hands firmly on the surface and scoffed. “What did you just say to me? Don’t think that I don’t hear you, you old hag.”
         The woman showed no sign of being threatened by the girl and remained silent. She slowly lifted her wrinkled hands to pull down the hood of her shoal.
         Cassie staggered back, overwhelmingly repulsed by the old woman's lack of beauty. Her face contorted into a look of disgust.
         “You'll find that a life like this will eventually cause you to fall,” the woman said softly and directly. “Allow me to help you escape this frivolous lifestyle and embark on a new path, my dear girl.”
         Cassie frowned, appalled that she could have any right to tell her how she should live her life. “You think you know who I am? You really think you can worm your way into my life and say that I need to change? Look at yourself!”
         The old woman grinned and looked at Cassie unaffected. “A worm am I? Is that what you see me as?” She reached out and tapped her finger on one of the girl’s breasts.
         “Ew! Get your hand off me!” Cassie shrieked, swatting it away.
         “You’ll pay dearly my dear girl for all the lives you’ve tampered with at this bar. I gave you a chance, but you have chosen to reject it.” The woman spoke slowly and mysteriously a she reached into her cloak and pulled out her hand again. In it lay a pile of gray powder.
         “You will quickly learn what it is like having to build your life from the ground up, just like that hard working man you unkindly fooled not too long ago. Having fortune is a blessing, and flaunting it…” the woman shook her head, “…will only bring ruin.”
         Without a second to react, Cassie watched as the woman brought her head down to blow the powder directly into her face. She fell back into a chair next to her coughing, her hands raising up quickly to her eyes as her sight became blurry.  She rubbed them as they filled with tears to get rid of the thick dust, but as her vision cleared, she gasped as she stared across the table. The old woman was gone.
         “Nrrrrgh…” the blonde growled, angered by her disappearance. “I can’t wait to get my hands on her the next time I see her…”
         She brought her hands up again to wipe her eyes, feeling how puffy and irritated they were. Knowing she probably looked sick and diseased with her eyes all red, she knew her time at the bar was over for the night. “Don’t think you can stop me, you old hag. I’ll be back here tomorrow.

You can count on it,” she grumbled vengefully as she got up and stalked out the door.

         Stumbling out into the street she no longer tried to put on a show for everyone, and just kept walking, even if she did get a few whistles on the way. Her mind was focused on just getting home, treating her eyes, and hoping she would be perfectly reset for tomorrow. Finally getting to her apartment, she threw open her door and stormed to the bathroom to get a look at herself.
         “Oh, thank goodness…” she sighed with relief. Her eyes still stung a bit, but the redness seemed like it had reduced significantly. However, she had to frown when she noticed that her face, neck, and chest were smudged with the dust. “And next time I see you, you’re paying for my dry cleaning…”
         Cassie quickly splashed her face and went out to her bedroom to change. When she reached up to pull down the strap of her dress, she staggered a bit as her knee bent forward awkwardly. She veered into her bed as her other leg did the same thing.
         “W-Why can’t I feel my legs?” she asked confused, panic quickly consuming her as a widespread numbness was taking a hold of her limbs. “What’s wrong with you?!” She spat her demand at her now lifeless legs as they lay motionless on her.
         In an attempt to sort of jump start something in her she thrust her torso the best she could from her bed and rose up, only to fall to the floor seconds later. Groaning painfully, she looked back and screamed.
         Her legs were shrinking. She couldn’t believe what she was seeing, but her feet were slowly inching toward her as more and more of her thighs were disappearing. Soon her knees, and then her ankles slid in under her dress. With a pitiful whimper she felt her feet get absorbed by her waist, anything of her legs now gone. All she had left that showed any defining contour in her dress was her round ass and two loose stilettos laying underneath.
         “Why are my legs gone!” Cassie cried as she pitifully tried dragging her body by her arms out of her room. As she did the dress slid down her shoulders and down her torso to be left behind. To make things even stranger for her, as she slid across the floor into her sitting room, her body felt sensitive, much more so than normal.
         She was barely able to get a couple feet into the room when the sensitivity had become too much to handle. Her arms fell to her side exhausted, her head coming to rest on the floor. “W-What…is happening…to…me...!?”
         As if to do anything but answer her question, she bit her lip as the tenderness of her body began to concentrate in her chest. Leaning up to feel one with her hand, she let out a moan at how much it tingled. Almost instantly her nipples hardened in response making her fall back to the floor in shock. But the second her two points pressed into the cold hardwood, she unleashed an orgasmic cry as they opened up, spraying milk all underneath her.
         But it seemed her body wasn’t done changing even after she lost her legs. As she panted in her puddle of milk she could distinctly feel new points emanating from her chest. Struggling to lift herself again, she felt the area just beneath her breasts to sense two nubs graze under her fingertips.
         Curiosity soon melded into fear as the small round bumps grew in her palm, quickly gaining in mass. They reached the size of her current pair of breasts and ceased growing.
         “N-No…why!? I-I can’t have four!” Cassie cried out, soon overwhelmed once again by the intensifying sense of fullness within them. Before she could prepare for it, her body shook there on the floor once again in pleasure as her new breasts opened up with even more milk.
         Straining her neck to look up over at the kitchen, she saw her phone resting on the counter. Amid the flood of arousal, she knew she had to do something, anything to make what was happening to her stop. With a grunt of determination, she thrust her arms forward and pulled her slippery body along the floor.

But to her dismay, the scrapping of her ultrasensitive teats along the floor caused her to orgasm again.
         And it was happening again. Two new bumps were forming under her second pair and were growing at an even faster rate. And then the pleasure hit her like a train, hurtling her to the floor helplessly. As her fifth and sixth breast stopped expanding, Cassie was met by a different sensation down by her waist, if she could even call it that anymore.
         Looking back her face went pale. She rubbed her eyes and blinked as if she were seeing things, but there was no mistaking it. As if like a grotesque kind of magic was the culprit, Cassie watched as her body lengthened, elongating along the floor. And with a longer torso, that only meant there was more room for a fourth, and a fifth, even a sixth set of breasts to form.
         She didn’t even want to see it happen, even if she could feel it. Turning to glare at her phone again, she strained to keep what composure she had left and slid along. Seven and eight were in place now, quickly followed by a ninth and tenth breast. Each were gushing out milk like crazy as she slithered along, fighting through each mind-splitting orgasm.
         Each foot she moved seemed to cause another set of breasts to form on her ever-lengthening body. The closer she was getting to her phone, the more impossible it was to remain focused on her mission. The erotic gushing of her multitude of breasts was soon taking control of her.
         Twelve. Fourteen. The number kept increasing. And her body kept getting longer. Peeking a glance back at herself she had to freeze in fear. Stretching back nearly twice her original height beforehand was her strangely deformed spine. And even as she paused there, her ass was sliding back to allow yet another set of tits grow in.
         Images of centipedes and caterpillars drifted through her mind, as she was beginning to resemble a humanoid version of it. Just replace all the legs with breasts and that’s what Cassie was.
         Her face went pale as she thought it, her mind warping quickly back to the old woman at the bar. She had insulted her, calling her what she was slowly transforming into: a worm.
         “How could she do this to me!” Cassie begged, pounding the floor with her fists. She immediately regretted her tantrum as her array of breasts jostled and smacked the ground, sending the woman reeling in pleasure for the umpteenth time that night.
         She lay there gasping there for a few minutes as her body did its best to recover. As she looked up at her phone again, her mind began slowly rethinking her situation. She had to admit through her terrifying ordeal, she had never, ever, felt this alive before. The pulses of pleasure from each of her sixteen breasts was amazing, and kept multiplying exponentially with each additional tit that kept forming.
         Cassie loathed the old witch for doing this to her. Nothing would change that. But sulking and lying there on the floor in her pool of milk in self-pity wasn’t going to do her any good. She wasn’t about to let the old hag feel like she had won.
         Lifting her head up off the floor, she actually smiled. Thrusting her arms forward she pulled her long body into the middle of the room, welcoming the erotic waves with earnest. And her body grew. Eighteen. Twenty. The number only grew. She wanted it now.
         Bending back to lift half of herself up off the floor, she pulled her body up onto the couch next to her. Leaning against the cushion, she let her long spine of breasts lounge comfortably along the contour of the sofa. She held no care if they leaked over the expensive upholstery, staining it with her milk.
         Folding her arms behind her head she smiled to herself and closed her eyes, loving how she would never feel the same again. Never would she need to go out to that pathetic bar in a search of a good time. Cassie found she could have just as good a time, if not better, here by herself and her beautiful caterpillar of breasts.

         “Thanks for these, you old hag…” she cooed softly, bathing in the never-ending pleasure. She could already feel more forming as her body kept elongating.
         And she only wanted even more.



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