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One sunny afternoon, amidst their usual chat, Emily asked a peculiar question, "Lucas, would you still love me if I were a worm?" The question was meant to be playful, but the response was sincere. Lucas chuckled, holding her hand, "Of course, Em. Whether you were a worm or a butterfly, you'd still be you, and that's who I love."

No sooner had he finished his sentence than a strange shimmer surrounded Emily. She let out a gasp as her lower body began to morph, taking on the form of a giant, elongated worm. What startled them even more were the multiple pairs of breasts, covering her worm-like lower body, decreasing in size as they went further down towards her tail. Despite the drastic change, her face and upper body remained human.

The sight was undoubtedly shocking, but Lucas didn't recoil. Instead, he moved towards Emily, opening his arms to embrace her. Emily's eyes welled up as she maneuvered her elongated form, her worm-like lower body carefully coiling around Lucas.

Lucas gently held her human face, his eyes locking with hers. "Em," he said softly, his voice steady, "I meant every word. Worm or not, you're still Emily. And I love Emily."

Tears trickled down Emily's cheeks, but they were no longer tears of fear, but of relief and love. Lucas didn't see her as a monstrosity but as the woman he loved, unchanged in his eyes despite her transformation.



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