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Dear Diary,

Today has been one of those days where the weight of my reality seems heavier than usual. I look at myself in the mirror and often wonder why I was chosen to be different, why I was chosen to bear the burden of polymastia in its severe form.

You might wonder why I say burden - it's because I have not just one or two, but multiple supernumerary breasts scattered across my chest and abdomen. Yes, some might say it's not a life-threatening condition, but it is a life-altering one. I struggle with not only physical discomfort but also the emotional toll of looking different than what society deems 'normal'.

The human body is a curious entity, isn't it? In most women, the mammary glands develop into two breasts, a characteristic feature of the female form. But my body, it seems to have overstepped the blueprint. My mammary glands have multiplied, unheeding of the two-breast norm, turning my torso into a canvas of lumps and bumps that shouldn't be there.

The physical discomfort varies from day to day. The extra breast tissues are as sensitive as the primary ones - subject to hormonal changes, pain, and even lactation. Some days it's just a dull ache, a slight twinge that reminds me of my condition. But at other times, especially during my menstrual cycle, it becomes unbearable, the throbbing in my supernumerary breasts so severe that it's hard to focus on anything else.

Still, amid all this, I strive to remember that my self-worth isn't defined by my physical form. I am more than my condition. I am a woman of strength, resilience, intellect, and compassion. Polymastia is a part of me, yes, but it's not all of me.

Tomorrow, I might wake up feeling low again, but I'll remind myself that I am enough. For now, dear diary, I want to close this entry with a small act of self-love - a reaffirmation to myself: I am beautiful, I am strong, and I will not let polymastia define me.



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