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In a bustling city, there lived a young woman named Sarah who worked at the local gym. Sarah was a fitness enthusiast and loved helping others achieve their fitness goals. Despite her ordinary appearance and routine, she often felt overwhelmed by the numerous tasks she had to juggle at the gym - from managing equipment to assisting clients with their workouts. She frequently remarked to her friends, "I wish I had more hands to get everything done!"

One clear night, after a particularly exhausting day at work, Sarah lay on the grass in the park, staring up at the sky. The stars twinkled brightly, and as she gazed, she spotted a shooting star streaking across the night. Half-jokingly, she closed her eyes and whispered, "I wish I had more hands."

Feeling a strange sense of peace, Sarah went home and drifted off to sleep. The next morning, she awoke to a peculiar sensation. As she stretched, she realized something was different. To her astonishment, she saw two additional arms protruding from her sides. Shocked but intrigued, she tested their movement. They responded perfectly, mirroring the coordination of her original pair.

Despite the initial shock, Sarah found herself exhilarated. She quickly adapted to her new limbs, dressed in a loose-fitting shirt that accommodated her extra arms, and rushed to the gym. Her colleagues and clients were initially startled but soon marveled at her transformation. Sarah's additional arms proved to be incredibly useful. She could spot multiple clients at once, handle equipment more efficiently, and even multitask like never before.

Sarah's productivity soared, and she became a local sensation. The gym attracted more members, curious to see the woman with four arms. Despite the newfound attention, Sarah remained humble and focused on her passion for fitness. Her unique ability allowed her to develop innovative workout routines and assist her clients in ways she never could before.

Her life changed in ways she had never imagined. She received media attention, and people from all over came to witness the marvel that was Sarah. Yet, amidst all the excitement, she never lost sight of why she had made that wish. Her additional arms were a means to help others, and she did so with boundless enthusiasm and dedication.

Sarah's wish on the shooting star had come true, transforming her life and the lives of those around her. She was no longer just an ordinary young woman working at a gym; she was a symbol of extraordinary potential and the power of dreams. Sarah had figuratively wished for more hands, and the universe had granted her wish in the most literal and wonderful way possible.


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