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Working at the café has always been a busy job, but ever since I underwent the LactaBoost™ procedure, my days have become a whirlwind of emotions and challenges. The increase in my salary and the generous tips from customers are undeniable perks, but the constant milking is something I never imagined I'd have to deal with.

During rush hour, when the line stretches out the door and the kitchen is buzzing with orders, finding time for milking is incredibly awkward and stressful. The discomfort is not just physical; it's the constant awareness that my body is now the source of the milk we serve. The double sets of breasts make me self-conscious, especially when I need to excuse myself to a secluded area for milking, knowing that the customers and my colleagues are aware of what's happening.

Yet, I can't ignore the positive changes. My paycheck is heftier than ever, allowing me to pay off debts and save more for the future. The customers, appreciative of the fresh, high-quality milk in their lattes and baked goods, often leave substantial tips. Their compliments and satisfaction are a silver lining, making me feel like I'm contributing something unique and valuable.

Balancing these two sides of my experience is a daily struggle. On one hand, I dread the inevitable interruptions and the strange, uncomfortable sensations that come with milking. On the other hand, the financial benefits and the appreciation from customers are tangible rewards that have improved my quality of life.

In quiet moments, I reflect on this new reality. It's not what I envisioned for myself, but I'm learning to navigate the complexities and find a balance. Every day is a step toward accepting the new me and the opportunities that come with it.



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