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Actually, that last like could be my life motto. Lord knows I say it often enough.

Speaking of which, this is NOT the last of the MAGFest comics. As with the public stuff going up on SmackJeeves, there’s simply too much material to finish all at once in any reasonable length of time. At least, not at the rate I’ve been finishing things lately. Thus, there’s going to be at LEAST one more set of Patreon comic going up after the next batch of public comics are finally done (there MIGHT be a third batch if I end up cutting any more comics from the SmackJeeves lineup). If you’re annoyed at how long this is taking, and how badly it’s disrupted all the other scheduled Patreon stuff, believe me, you’re not alone. There’s a blog post coming that’ll go into the matter in greater detail. In the meantime, thanks to those of you who’ve been forgiving enough to stick with me through all this unprofesionalism. I really appreciate it!

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