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This page would be sort of confusing under any circumstances, that was kind of the point. Still, I think I made it more impenetrable than it really needed to be through some awkward page layout. There probably should have been three rows of panels, not just two. The first panel would have the whole top, the second and third would be the middle, and then the final panel would have more room to establish a big room full of suture tech and time portals and whatnot. Heck, there should have at LEAST been a “Meanwhile, in the future” caption to clarify what’s going on. Oh well, I do still like the idea of multiple future versions of myself having paradox-inducing effects on the present.

And just for the record, the more obvious explanation is that somebody saw one of the flyer stacks I’d already put out and decided to move them before the hotel staff could throw them away. All this happened Thursday Morning, you see, and the poor hotel folks don’t usually give up on cleaning all the flyers and hand outs until sometime Friday afternoon (gotta choose your battles, ya see)

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