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"Meh, that's the just the heiress of a fantastically wealthy family with massive geopolitical influence.  BOOOOORING."




It's possible - does anyone know if Bill Gates even has kids? (He has 3) Anyone know their names? Seen their picture? Some people are just BORING no matter how much $$$ or influence. I'm certain I would be! :D (Admittedly, Augusta does not seem like the boring type. And her remarriage to a prominent Mad Scientist was likely big news. So her kids might get some attention, your point is still valid. Megaweapon would probably get attention on his own if vast sums of money were not spent to cover up his crimes against humanity....)


Also, certain people would feel compelled to use their wealth specifically to keep themselves and their families OUT of the public eye... especially if they had as much to cover up as Megaweapon!