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Yes, I know I already pointed out the obvious once before... BUT THEY MAKE IT SO EASY!  Like, that helmet actually looks very UN-Vader-like when viewed from the side, so you can see just how bit the "beak" on the front actually is.  And yet, all through the episode, they keep drawing the big dramatic shots straight on, from the exact angle where the resemblance is HARDEST to ignore!  It's like how they could easily claim that the idea of a light sword is hardly original to Star Wars... if they didn't keep dubbing over that humming noise that IS distinctly lightsaber-sounding!  It's like they can't help themselves!

And don't forget: you're running out of time to vote on what the NEXT series will be after this!  At the moment, Cowboy Bebop and Macross are tied, so SOMEBODY else had better jump in and cast a tie-breaking vote!



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