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I started to say "That's Summer in The South," but that's also most of the Spring and Fall and random stretches of Winter too. Just a year-long armpit to the face.

So, you'll notice a conspicuous lack of a page number on this one.  That's not me slipping up while writing the title, there's only one page this time.  WFMCC 22 was already pretty short as it was, to the point that I only had two Patreon comic candidates to begin with.  And one of those ideas turned out to not be all that funny.  So here we are!

But just what is "here?"  IT'S THE LAST PIECE OF 2022 MATERIAL I HAD LEFT TO DO, THAT'S WHAT!  Yes, over the course of this single day, I've completed the last of the ConCONcon comics that spilled over from last year AND tied up the last of the loose ends from the real cons!  The 2022 tag is finally retired!  I've got a clean slate to focus on all the 2023 stuff!  ...and it only took me six weeks into the next year to do it!




Man, I kinda miss having an in town convention! We had Louisianime in Baton Rouge, but I think that shut down. And with MechaCon shutting up shop, all we got is Louisiana Comic Con in Lafayette…


It's definitely easy to get spoiled by the convenience (Though, on the flip side, I find it's a LOT easier to forget stuff when you don't have to pack for the whole weekend all at once, so pros and cons)