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"Also, make sure to avoid the social media tablets.  Everyone complains about how bad the current tablets are, but every time they try to carve new ones they just turn out even worse!"

I mean, yeah, I know a form of The Internet already existed by this point of the 90s, so I'm not exactly being CLEVER by equating the Caire Bible desert to the information superhighway, but that's just where my brain immediately went.

Also, count your blessing I didn't start doing these comics a few weeks sooner. If I was doing this episode in December, Lina's vision of a botched Giga Slave would ABSOLUTELY have been turned into a Christmas Carol parody.

Finally, have you voted on what the NEXT weekly anime comic will be yet?  If not, hurry up and get on that!  Macross currently has an early lead, though there's still plenty of time for either Cowboy Bebop or Tenchi Universe to pull out ahead.  And if you're one of the higher patron tiers, don't forget there's a whole SECOND poll you can also vote on, and that one's a tie at the moment, so I really do need at least one more person to get in on that one.



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