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(BTW: this page took WAAAAY to long to properly scale without messing up the faint smoke/fire effect in the back.  Fitting for lucky page 13, huh?)

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I tried to reply to your reply to my comment on page 12, while it was still page 11. I think you must have changed it while I was typing though, because my comment disappeared when I hit post. I also mentioned it being lucky that posting the comics one at a time fit the dramatic tension, been though you would have preferred to post them as a batch. Right before you posted another page where you mentioned luck...


No worries, it kept me from looking stupid. It also could be that the Patreon app hates me, but if you can see this, it isn't that. The android Patreon app does seem to have trouble loading up your comics as you post them, which is why my last two comments were through the Chrome app. I wonder how many more apps I'd have to mention before this post would count as technobabble to those not in the know? P.S. The app for Patreon does hate me, I had to post this through Chrome. Fortunately, I remembered to abuse the power of copy and paste, though I forgot that line breaks are difficult to add here without posting. Plus I don't know how to edit my previous post, thus the reply P.S. P.P.S. Post edit and line breaks achieved! Copy and paste help.