Conventional Wisdom: Animazement 2022 - page 1 (Patreon)
I used to think that all those sitcoms I grew up with where the grandparents were comically wild and crazy were just jokes. Shows what I know.
And yes, conventions continue to be the one time where I indulge in this terrible vice.
Oh, and just for the record, this batch of Patreon comics will be a bit... odd. I was in such a hurry to get all the regular Animazement comics online before I headed out for Cosplay America that I pretty much just threw stuff onto the website as soon as the ideas hit me, not stopping to actually plan out any kind of arc for the pages, or to specifically set anything aside for Patreon. I mean, there's still material I haven't already used, so that's not a problem. It's just, usually, by the time we get to this step of the process, I've already got the comics planed out and simply need to draw the things. THIS time, I actually need to go digging through my notes all over again and figure things out from scratch. So, sorry if this drags out even longer than usual.